Payment pending for a long time


I don’t mean to be impatient, but I made a payment a while ago to be a site supporter and it says that my payment is pending… Just wondering if this is normal? Or how long can I expect it to be pending for?


Hello ellehooq,
thank you for letting us know and I am sorry about the issue.

Generally speaking payments are normally processed within seconds, should not take longer than a few minutes. Personally I cannot help, but I have informed our developer about the issue to check what might be causing the problem.

Sorry about the delay.


Hi @_光1, I’ve manually toggled your supporter flag so you should be all set now. I’ll be looking into whats causing the delay in processing, it should be pretty quick, sometimes a minute or so, but usually very fast… it shouldn’t take an hour though!

Thanks for your support!


Hi anoek. It’s been a number of days now. I can try change payment method maybe?


I believe I found and have now fixed the issue, I’m now awaiting things to automatically retry.

Everything on your end is great, no need to change anything. It was a bug in processing the transaction on my end, but it should self resolve now with the fix. I’ve got a sticky note on my desk to keep an eye on it and make sure things go through :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting the issue, and thanks again for being a site supporter! Sorry for the delay in getting things setup for you.


Hi anoek. Thank you very much for your prompt response, and for sorting me out so quickly, by manually toggling my supporting flag etc.

Very happy with this site and how the developers listen to feedback :slight_smile: