Petition to clean up tournament page

Thank you!


100 more tournaments are born


I have to say the tournament page looks pretty nice with the regular upkeep.


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@benjito added some filters if y’all wanna test them out and provide feedback on how the page looks now.


Hi all. A bit of info about the new functionality…

Y’all can compare the differences using this toggle:

Here’s what the toggle does right now:

  • When ON: all unstarted tournaments are shown
  • When OFF:
    • Invite-only tournaments are hidden
    • Group members-only tournaments are hidden (even if the user is a member of said group)
    • Tournaments with a start date (see the When column) in the past are hidden.

One more change: I made Schedule (the tab with the schedule of the official sitewide daily tourneys) the default tab for newcomers based. Previously the default was Correspondence

Feedback is welcome!

EDIT: @BHydden already mentioned that rank restrictions should be considered as well. Currently tournaments will be shown even if you can’t join because your rank is too high or too low. I’m investigating whether that is filterable now.


I’m not particularly attached to Schedule being the default. Here’s a poll:

The default tab should be…

  • Schedule
  • Live
  • Correspondence
  • Archive

0 voters

Is there a quick way to know what the toggle does if someone doesn’t frequent the forums? (their loss, but still)


With the new filter, there are now only seven live tournaments. I’d show both by default with some special highlighting for the live ones.


Click on it? :yum:

Half joking, but my hope is that whatever the toggle does, it’s useful enough that a user wouldn’t need to know the nitty gritty details. Like a user might click the toggle ON and go “oh wow that’s a lot of tournaments I have no interest in!”

But other than that, there’s not an explicit explanation. Do you think there needs to be one? If so, how should that be presented to the user?


Some interface design ideas:

  1. Hovering over a toggle switch should show a tooltip that explains what it does.
  2. Toggling a switch should temporarily show a little box of explanatory text of what you just did that fades away after a few seconds.

I mean, I’m not the brightest cat in the ogf, but I visited the page before your explanation, I toggled the thingie and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be seeing.

Someone new will probably be even more perplexed.


Understood. In that case, which of @yebellz suggestions would have helped you the most? Or both? Or something else?

Also how descriptive does text for a tool tip or fading note need to be? hard for me to gauge this myself since I’m a little too close to the implementation


In general I like hovering tooltip thingies. The ones where you hover over a “?” and whatever needs to be said disappears when you move the mouse.

But I don’t know anything about the technicalities of it, so I don’t know how much I can help.

What my eyes instinctively went for was a kind of options, like in the Challenges page. Maybe something like “show eligible tournaments/ show all tournaments”, sth like that.

Also Feijoa’s idea I like, show all tournaments and have tick boxes to filter live/ correspondence etc, like the Games page (although probably that’s a larger overhaul).


I like hovering too.
the problem is I didn’t find the wording because I am not sure that tournaments with start date in the past have in fact started. I’m bit confused on that. If effectively the separation is right between all / eligible then it’s a nice wording.

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You might want to make that a little more lenient, like hide the ones with start dates older than a few hours. It’s currently hard, for example, to find a sitewide tournament I joined that was supposed to start 1 minute ago, since the trophy countdown timer disappears.


Oh yeah that’s a good one, and relatively easy to fix. What’s a good threshold? 3 hours?

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Okay cool, I will definitely work on the tool tip.

This is incredibly helpfup! I need the non-technical feedback. If I only needed to know it “technically” works, I would just write some tests😂

Regarding merging the pages, correct that’s a bit more of an overhaul. I will note that both the Games and the Play page keep Live and Correspondence separate so I’m not totally sold on merging them. I can imagine some new person joining a tournament they thought was corr, and having a rude awakening…

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That would be more or less enough in a pop-up.

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