Planning audio sample updates, put your requests in now

My suggestion to submit sounds was intended to be a submission that would be reviewed by a sound director who would choose if there was anything they wanted and then use/change that for what felt like ‘themed’ sets.
Still happy to submit what sounds I put together from Audacity (without any 3rd party material); all i’d need is some place to upload my Audicity project file. Happy to attach a cc0 licence.


Cool :slight_smile: shoot them over to


Personally, I’d prefer development effort to be spent on fixing bugs, rather than adding “cool” features. (I normally turn off the sound effects anyway.)

But no doubt it’s more fun to add cool features.

There is near constant bug fixing going on… but it is a never-ending process, new bugs will always arise as it’s a living environment. In amongst that, new features need to be added.

Have you considered the possibility that you turn sound effects off BECAUSE they need fixing/upgrading?


This is a bug in the sense that it’s been a long time complaint of users, user experience is quite important. But yes there will be quite a lot of traditional bug fixing going on too, I’m in a “fix and polish” cycle at the moment. It’s not like i’m just going to be waiting around while voice things are recorded :wink:


“The game has started” could be an interesting addition. Also, it may be a good idea to make the voice notifications optional, so players can stick to the sound effects if they want.

Let me know if you need help translating the script into Portuguese, @anoek.

P.S.: Bonus points if you can get the voice actress who recorded for Tygem—for some reason, that’s the only countdown that doesn’t make me nervous. Or the one from Command & Conquer. \o/


We are going to have to act.

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If we want to live in a different world.

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I have a few requests / ideas regarding the audio, but my main one would be to make the countdown be more informative and less stressful:

  • When first entering byo-yomi, and whenever one of the byo-yomi periods expire, there should be a reminder of how many byo-yomi periods are left. The intent is to help people properly manage their time.
  • I think the countdown is currently very panic-inducing. I think it would help to announce when 10 seconds are left (only if byo-yomi period is at least 20 seconds), and then start counting down at either 5 or 3 seconds. The intent is to inform the player without ruining his concentration.
  • Maybe the 10 seconds announcement could even indicate if we are on the last byo-yomi period, by saying “last 10 seconds” vs “10 seconds” if there are further byo-yomi periods available.
  • In a game with byo-yomi time settings, there should be no counting down at the end of main time. Just announce when we are entering byo-yomi (and remind of how many periods are available when we do).

Other than that, maybe it’d be nice to have sounds to indicate the start of the game, entering the scoring phase, and a won or lost game. But, these are a lot less important to me than the countdown sounds. Man, I really hate the current countdown sounds…


There should definitely be multiple selectable options for the sounds available, as what sounds sound good is a highly subjective matter.

I propose you add this as an optional stone placement sound: soft sound plastic button click.mp3

Phones, laptops and tablets have terrible audio playback quality, and can’t play a realistic stone click well enough. Or maybe the recording equipment failed to capture it properly. Either way, I prefer the sound above even though it isn’t a stone sound.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Sound not working through Firefox

Can’t remember if it was mentioned already or not but we should have the letters [A-T] and the numbers [1-19] so that we can add in accessibility for the vision impaired (an optional setting that will tell you your opponents last move and either tell you the point of the board you are hovering over with either mouse or arrow keys, or could read out a typed move input to confirm before submitting)


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