10s blitz game with @8fledermaus8
In thie game we discussed (5) R17 P17, the Ussuri Line. It’s worth noting that by this point Black is already receiving less than 30% WR.
I’m considering next trying this “Sungacha Variation” (the Sungacha is a tributary of the Ussuri River).
White continued with a slightly slack joseki, allowing me to climb back up to about an even game. However, the position of Q8 had become dubious.
We played an anti-avalanche in the top left; I fixed with the thick tiger’s mouth and White invaded the Manchurian at the counter-Chinese point. It was still a 40–50% game.
The bot would like White to play at A here and crawl, but that’s not how I (at least) play Go. The established and human move here is the atari B.
This usually continues wB+ 1 2 3+ Ax, but fleder played the slightly worse wB+ 1 3+? ext. 2. I was nudged above 50% WR, albeit only for a short time. The focal point left above 3 was larger than either of us realised, and wasn’t played for some time.
The bot suggests that I can maintain 55% if I immediately turn there and make Q9 happy.
If the proper joseki had been played, I’d be at 45% since Q9 would be a touch redundant. This would still be a totally even game, of course.