Here are some instances, from the exact whole-board position, in which very strong players used the “old” and “losing” (6) in exceptionally high-level games.
Zhang Wei vs Cho Hunhyun, 2006, LG Cup
Huang Yizhong vs Cho Hunhyun, 2007, Samsung Cup
Lee Changho vs Cho Chikun 2008, Ing Cup
Takao Shinji vs Cho U, 2012, Honinbo
With a white nirensei on the board, the list is much more extensive.
This is mentioned in Reducing Territorial Frameworks [1988] (by Fujisawa Hideyuki) and occurs in several games of mainly Kajiwara Takeo.
To be specific, Waltheri has the right-side formation in Kajiwara vs Yamabe Toshiro ('76), Sakata ('76), Takemiya ('77), and Kato ('77), as well as in a Chinese game from '78.