Playing "Sino-Tibetan formations" ("1-3-5s")

“Runty Chinese” has been used since at least 2013. I think I picked it up either from dwyrin’s YouTube channel or from the forums. @Uberdude may know more.

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I vote for splitting the topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I think a gen pop was called into lounge, I don’t think they’ll know…

Yeah, the discussion should probably be moved into either its own thread or the Sino-Tibetan one.

Good job, Mark~

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Well, I found a only a few links when searching for “Manchurian fuseki”.
So, it seems that the term is/was not widely accepted in the go world.

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What is the meaning of “runty”? (Poor English of me) My guess that was no correlation with some population somewhere.

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The word “runt” refers to the smallest/weakest animal of a litter, if there is such one that is significantly different than the rest. See Runt - Wikipedia

“Runty” is the adjective form of the concept, which may be broadly used to mean small/weak.

Note that it is considered derogatory to apply terms like “runt” or “runty” to people.


Like Jon Snow’s direwolf cub in the first season of Game of Thrones (the first book of ASoIaF).

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OK I may look rigid but I just imagine myself being a Vietnamese goplayer and I learn that
1 I am supposed to play an opening which is not especially popular here
2 finally I learn that people think like this because my neighbor is at the north
3 i’m supposed to explain this each time I’ll meet a go player

I dunno, call it the cave under the river, or the lost archipelago or the fly on the papaya, whatever…


? I don’t play American Football because I’m American; it’s not even my favorite football to watch. I don’t think you’re giving people from Vietnam enough credit if you think they’ll feel pressured to play a certain opening because of the name.

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I didn’t say I’ll be pressured to play that opening, it’s a bit extreme. And there are some historic reason to call American football American football .Well I always thought so, maybe I’m wrong on that?

Since I’m not aware of any “mainstream Chinese systems” thread, I’ll link this 2018 discussion Why doesn't the low Chinese show up against the 3-4? in here.

My OGS Team League game against @jlt , in the Sungacha Variation of the Manchurian ((7) P16)

It’s called Part One but there is no Part Two.

Also linking gennan’s classic video:

Cho Chikun playing the low Chinese:

A new video from Yoonyoung:

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Samraku declining, or at least deferring, the Manchurian in the OGS Team League.



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The fushigi fuseki, inspired in 2004 by the Manchuran and Upper Manchurian.

This is not technically a Sino-Tibetan formation since there’s no komoku, but it’s similar enough to get a place in here.


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Small L19 discussion from 2018 on Chinese theory

I was reading the first edition of the Sydney Go Journal and I came across these interesting comments from 2006, on a contemporary 4d amateur game.

David Bofinger: White 6 – Mistake! You were doing well with mirror go; now you’re going to lose! Someone who knows 4-7 approaches to 3-4 may like to tell us about Black’s choices here.

David Mitchell: White 6 – this is not a popular move with professionals today [he then contrasts it to the “modern” keima approach on the outside of the top right] … White 6 does not construct anything

On Waltheri, (6) – in this whole board position – first appears in 1982 as an invention of Rin Kaiho and is played until 2004, after which it dropped out making these comments understandable.

However, in 2007, the year after this edition was published, (6) suddenly regained professional popularity and appears to have been treated with at least some level of respect until 2012.

With a white nirensei, (6) again seems to have been relegated in 2012, although it still crops up in Korea from time to time.

I imagine that any professional of 2006, and even today, would have laughed at Bofinger for suggesting that (6) is a losing move. An example of mid dan zealotry, I think.