Playing through AI recommended moves

When I have finished a game, I like to go back to the key points according to the AI and playing the recommended path.

However, I find it really difficult to see the board position at any point with the pale future moves also shown.

Is there any way to just show the next move and hide the ones beyond that?


I dont think its possible yet, but my feeling is that it wouldnt that hard to implement. I think its good idea, the ai analysis is often very cluttered and it would be nice to toggle between “show the recommended move” and “show the expected follow-up sequence”

Any programmers wanna take a stab at it?

You can go to ‘Settings’ and there choose ‘Game Preferences’. On the bottom of the page you can change ‘Variation stone transparency’.


That’s different from the OP suggestion.

The idea to show only the next move, one after the other is quite attractive to me too.


Thanks - will try that - but it would be really useful to add a checkbox to say “Next move only” too.

Have added issue to cover this to github: AI projected optimal branch view can be quite cluttered ¡ Issue #2248 ¡ online-go/ ¡ GitHub

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As a work around you can click through the variation so that it is in the analysis and then disable the AI review.

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In my opinion the main difficulty here is not the coding, but the UI design.

Perhaps “review by AI” should be a mode that the game can be in or not, and when the game is in “review by AI” mode, some new buttons should appear to make better use of the AI. And other buttons should disappear, if they are useful during the game but not during the AI review.


Can’t see what the UI difficulty would be if you have a checkbox next to the transparency setting. That then affects whether it shows all the moves or just the next one. Both front and back end should be relatively straightforward for someone who knows the code base.

I might try it if no-one else does. You have been warned!

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I just came here to ask exactly the same question. I just want to boost this comment from joachim as it’s really helpful:

You can go to ‘Settings’ and there choose ‘Game Preferences’. On the bottom of the page you can change ‘Variation stone transparency’.

if you set this to 0.1 or 0.2 the stones become barely visible but you can still see the numbers, which makes it much easier to see what’s going on as you click through the moves. It would still be nice to be able to view just the board without the next moves, but this does make it a lot easier to use this feature.

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If anyone is interested in previewing this, the change has been merged into the beta code and can be seen at You can sign in with any user/pwd, see the setting at the foot of Game Preferences and play one of the presented bot challenges and then go back through the AI review with this setting set to say 1.


Thank you, I’ve been waiting for this change

This is on the main site now.

(You may need to reload browser to see the option at the bottom of Game Settings)