Playing through famous games

Is there an app loaded with famous games that can be played through? Does Sente-Go have this ability?

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You have websites like waltheri

Thank you. Thanks great.
Wonder if it has an app.

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I don’t think so.

Otherwise there are many resources online, check the “other resources” in the main OGS site.

I don’t really know about free apps.

Smartgo One ( has a subscription for professional games from and GoEye (Go4Go) connects to goforgo for professional games.

If you just want to find some games and have your own app to view sgfs,

There’s other repositories for games like kifudepot (, GoKifu (,

Go base might not be up to date anymore - Simple game searching

There’s some other links on Senseis library Go Databases at Sensei's Library

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The game “Just Go” on steam has a section for historically famouse games as well as current professional games. But I haven’t really used that feature and the game does not seem to get a lot of updates.

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One other thing I didn’t notice until someone pointed it out, is that Waltheri updated recently, there’s games from 2024 there now :smiley: