Please, I would like a Review about this 13k game

I would like a review about this game, my opponent had a good moyo on the center and I didn’t reduce it the necessary =/

I’m black.

Thank you a lot!!!
Sorry for take your time^^

Here is a reveiw I have made,, you played a lot of slow moves early on, and then some endgame premeturely, but the biggest thing was not reducing whites moyo untill it was too late, if you had done that you had enough territory to win.

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yes… there is a go proverb … “Take 4 corners and you lose the game”… it is mainly referring to the need to keep your groups w/ access to the center and to balance territory w/ influence.

B is focusing purely on defense and surrounding territory… instead he needs to be thinking about counter attacking in order to defend.

Blobs advice on moves in the fuseki are often a bit off, but his comments on your many ‘too slow’ moves were pretty much right on target and that’s the main issue.

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Blob and Asabear, thank you very much.
I understood the slow moves on fuseki and moves spent to get only 2 or 6 points instead use the move to invade or reduce the center with a great value.

The review helped me a lot, I will play more influence oriented and try equalize the balance of territory with balance of power.

Thank you again!!!