Please let profile count higher than 5000

I know this isn’t a bug, but why doesn’t your profile show more games in your graphs?
the rank line only goes back 5000 games (correct me if I’m wrong) and the pichart of wins/losses only displays 5000 games.
Thing is, it doesn’t seem like it’d be that code-intensive to make them display more, and they’re already on your profile in the games list.
can we get them to display more? thanks.
just a tiny quality-of-life improvement.


I’d like to know my average elo/rank across my past my past x games.


average would be useful
its also would be a way to display graph of more than 5000 games

I did see it on other platform/server.
Since the rating data are complete, so if more views can provide, that would be much better.

I don’t think I’ve ever counted higher than 5000

After 5000 games, I will not care about my rating any more, cause it has only one way to go, DOWN. :joy:

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Facts. I think my rating stopped improving after 1000 games :sob:

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