Please review game 21kv18k

I put some variations there.

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You played just too passively. Should have invaded in top right corner when you had the chance, but after move 22 that became difficult.

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I agree with “too passively” but don’t think White should necessarily have invaded before move 22. Black has built a lot, but so did White and invasions at R13 or M17 are still possible after move 22. However White should at least have considered the possibility to play on the upper right part of the board.

Generally speaking you were too defensive. Go is not just about defense, but also about attacking. At move 44 (or 46, 48, 54) you should have cut at O7 to attack the weak group N5. Maybe you wouldn’t be able to kill it, but but attacking you would get many stones in the center and prevent Black from making too much territory in the upper right part of the board.

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