I’m completely new to Go, and have been playing against a bot to try and understand the game. I have a question about this scenario. I thought I was ahead, counting 4 points in my territories (black) and only 1 point for white. The AI passed its turn, and I thought adding more black stones would only decrease my territory, so I passed as well. But the AI then won with 26 points, getting points for all my stones as well as all blank spaces after that. I don’t understand the scoring system at all, apparently. Any help?
Thank you.
The black group is actually dead :<
First, imagine what happens if white plays at 3 now. What could black do in responce?
Then imagine what if black plays at 3 first. What happens to the group after white captures the at 4 and plays at either 1 or 2?
For more about making living groups, check out senseis article https://senseis.xmp.net/?TwoEyes and this puzzle collection https://online-go.com/puzzle/5
Thank you for your reply. If I on my turn had placed a black stone at 3, would I have a group with two eyes in lower left side? White could not place any at red 1 or 2 without being captured afterwards. Or any at 4 (no liberties). Only at the blue 1 and upper right corner? And at blue 1 it would only reduce one of its own territory points, right? Could black have won this way?
If white will play 1 or 2, black can indeed capture the 2 stones, but how many eyes does that form? If white plays inside that eye again, what happens, how many liberties the black stones have?
White can also play at 4 and capture the 1 black stone at e2, since that stone is in atari, meaning that black will always lose the lib at 4.
Thank you, and especially for the puzzles link. They’re super helpful for trying to understand this amazingly difficult game!
yeah white can still capture 4 if it was your and after when white captures the shape is dead