Poll: Should absolute time say "Time/*", "Time+0", or "Time ABS"?

This begs the question, what does “SD” mean.

I mean, seriously, I don’t know what it stands for, other than being the last byo-yomi period (by context). I can’t think what “MS” could be in Spanish either :no_mouth:.


Me too.

I would keep the 0+ for coherence and clarity.

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Sudden Death
In spanish i guess Muerte Subito?


¿Muerte Súbita?

Yeah, maybe we should use an emoji for that as well

:skull_and_crossbones: :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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Thanks. I’d still say it’s not intuitive at all. I find the color red more telling in this case.

Yes, indeed. I wouldn’t have guessed it though.


And I think this is supposed to convey that when your clock hits zero it’s game over, as opposed you can let it hit zero possibly more than once in byo yomi.

I don’t think it’s specifically to do with the clock being able to be reset after a move

but I can understand that it wouldn’t be great if you saw the sd used up most of what you thought was a byoyomi period and then timed out next move because it didn’t reset.

So it kind of would make sense but maybe it’s not great.

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Yep these SD things are already OT

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Not exactly off topic as it was a suggested alternative to adding yet another abbreviation ABS in for absolute time :slight_smile:


Which was not fitted because of the reset so…

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