Pro game move guessing club

Would anyone like to guess professional moves with me?

  1. Start at Move 20, continue to Move 220
  2. A correct guess on the first try earns one point
  3. A correct guess in the first five tries earns half a point
  4. Post your score

This is Yamashita Keigo’s recent close win over Shida Tatsuya in the Kisei A League.

What is the procedure ? Guess move n, click once to check, guess move n+1, etc ?

So after the first try you have seen all moves?

It is a reasonably fun game. SmartGo had it as a feature, and hopefully will again soon.

I’ll give it a shot.

My first guess is what move 20 is, as I presume that’s what you meant, and then 220 is the last move I’ve guessed.

Score: 83 (only first guesses counted) [edited with recount]


  • I made a review so if the page refreshed or something I wouldn’t lose which ones I had guessed
  • I should’ve counted as I went along as it was very tedious to count afterward
  • The game seemed really hard to guess where the players would play. Even when a move they played was on my radar, it was much later than when I would’ve guessed, so I probably didn’t get it right at the right time.

I would like to find a way to make this easier though, because it’s not that fun to count up the scores. There’s no way I want count whether I got it in my first five tries, because it’s (a) too much hassle and (b) sometimes I just gave up and move onto the next guess, and those would be indistinguishable if I didn’t guess 5 times but say guess 3 times etc.

Oh I think I understand the idea now. Open the file at move n-1. Click on your guess. If the guess is correct you get 1 point and advance to move n. If the guess is incorrect you can see on the game tree that a new branch started, so you go back to move n-1 and can try 4 more times. If you are successful you get 0.5 point and advance, otherwise you get 0 point and advance anyway.

Do that for n=20,21,…,220.


That’s the way I interpreted it anyway.

I also think I have a bit of javascript code that I can probably use to count the score, at least for the case when there’s no branches = 1 point. It should make counting the score a bit less painful if people did want to try it in a review of the game.

It seems a bit tedious to have to try each of 180 (181? probably) moves 5 times in order to get half a point, and if you don’t do that for every move, I can’t see a way of automatically counting the half points.

Ironically, even though I started the thread today, it’s been a busy day and I haven’t yet had time to play…

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Even guessing once per move probably takes a decent bit of time.

I can try help count/double count it though if you do a review of the game and guess that way :slight_smile:

I didn’t guess 5 times but say guess 3 times etc.

I agree, this is better than five times.

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Starting now. Having to give myself zero for the first two moves, since I accidentally looked at them.

I’ll be using the three guess meta.

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Guessing more than once is too tedious for me.

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Yeah I’m not sure I’d do it consistently for every move, sometimes I’d just do it because I’m curious if it was A or B or C etc

Done. I did try three on every move.


The guessing of the timing of the yose moves was pretty much chance.

I made a few stupid guesses – I reckon I could’ve hit a hundred points without them.

Got 84 with 1 guess/move.

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Let see another one.
Guess move 20 to 220 (both included)
Simply count good guess as 1 point (no multiple check)


Got 64. It’s hard, big part of these points were obvious like a critical connection. But indeed quite interesting.

Plan another one to compare with a high rated amateur game later.

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84 :slight_smile:

Move 129 is really pretty!

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Thank you for the interesting and beautiful game @Groin ^^


Very beautiful exchanges and pacing. I felt somehow I could follow much of the pacing throughout the fuseki and middle game.

The yose exchange in the upper right beginning with the white descent and two peeps, was very pretty too.

Edit : Oups, I think I had the wrong game link open and had opened the first link of the thread first, as I had opened 2 of them from this thread. :sweat_smile:

I’ll retry the correct link when I can :sweat_smile:

Edit edit : 97 in the game Groin posted. ^^

Spoilers 2

The fighting was very interesting and pretty. So many trades and tenukis throughout the opening and midgame, and complex fighting! The monkey jump and lower side fighting shapes were very interesting too.

More generally, I think there is a website which had a similar idea to this game. (but I am not sure whether the pro games are still updated there)

Well i chose that game by names and date as i wanted to participate too! Happy we found it interesting and thanks to participate.

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