Profiles at Forum site and Online-Go site linked

Dear Online-Go devs,

First, thank you for this wonderful site and for your work. The site is clean and beautiful.

Here is something I miss and I had to create a “workaround” that is really difficult:

Sometimes I read a post or a reply here in the Forum and I enjoy the point of view of the author. Being a new account, of course, my “Friends List” starts empty, so I decided to add some friends based on their views, discussions, and similar thoughts here in the Forum.

But when I click an username here in the Forum, it is really hard to find what is the correspondent account from the same person in the Online-Go site. Sometimes even the username is a little bit different.

#Suggestion: In the profile page of a user here, place a link to the player account on the Online-Go site, so we can browse to it and click “add friend”.

If someone doesn’t want this link, it could be made optional with a checkbox in the settings, but I really don’t see why people would want to hide the link of the two profiles.

Anyway, thanks a lot and keep up the good work.

Dr. Bèco

PS. My Online-Go profile, in case you read this and want to add me as a friend is:

Be welcome.


This indeed would be great.

@anoek it seems to be a quite easy task: