Program for printing games in list form?

Does anyone know an SGF program that prints games in list form rather than diagram form?

I’d like to replay pro games on a physical board, but I think diagrams would ruin the experience since I like trying to predict moves as the game unfolds, whereas diagrams spoil move sequences.


I dont know if any program like that exists, but i totally know what you mean. It wouldnt be too hard to write a little converter, because sgf is just text.

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How about using a smartphone or tablet with the game record, tap through the moves one at a time and place them on the board.

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I bet it wouldn’t be too bad to make one. What you want the output to look like?

I’m working on a simple script to extract the moves.

I hope to have sample output for review and discussion this weekend.

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I shall follow this thread with interest. As a chess player I find following games that are printed in list form, e.g 1) P-k4 P-k4
2) P- B4 etc.
I`ve often struggled to follow games from diagrams.


What environments are folks using? How do you expect to launch the program and tell it which file to use?

I have an approach that uses Python at a command line. Since this is almost complete, I will finish it first.

I’ve found support in Perl, Java, and Javascript for parsing the file, so I shouldn’t have to re-write that part.

I think Hactar support guess next move thing.
Also GOWrite support all-kind of printing.

Current version of the Python script will report the moves in the main sequence.

Currently, it does not report the handicap stones. That is my next step and then I will release the code.

Sample output:
1: B Q4
2: W R16
3: B D4
4: W C16
5: B Q10
6: W C6
7: B F3
8: W C9
9: B D6
10: W D7
11: B E7
12: W C7
13: B D8
14: W D9
15: B E9
16: W C8
17: B E8
18: W D12
19: B F12
20: W E17
21: B K16
22: W P16
23: B O15
24: W Q13
25: B P13
26: W Q14
27: B Q12
28: W R12
29: B R11
30: W S12
31: B P14
32: W P15
33: B D10
34: W C10
35: B D11
36: W C11
37: B O16
38: W O17
39: B N17
40: W O18
41: B N18
42: W Q17
43: B S11
44: W L3
45: B K4
46: W K3
47: B J4
48: W O3
49: B N4
50: W N3
51: B O4
52: W L4
53: B L5
54: W R3
55: B R4
56: W Q3
57: B S3
58: W S2
59: B P3
60: W P2
61: B P4
62: W Q2
63: B J3
64: W J2
65: B H2
66: W K2
67: B C5
68: W B5
69: B B4
70: W B6
71: B E14
72: W D14
73: B F16
74: W E12
75: B E11
76: W F14
77: B E15
78: W F17
79: B G17
80: W F11
81: B E10
82: W F13
83: B G12
84: W E13
85: B G13
86: W F15
87: B G16
88: W E16
89: B G14
90: W G15
91: B H15
92: W D15
93: B F18
94: W E18
95: B G18
96: W S4
97: B S5
98: W T4
99: B T5
100: W T3
101: B M4
102: W T11
103: B T10
104: W T12
105: B S9
106: W R13
107: B M3
108: W M2
109: B K10
110: W N19
111: B M19
112: W O19
113: B M18
114: W N16
115: B N15
116: W M16
117: B L17
118: W M15
119: B M14
120: W P12
121: B O14
122: W Q11
123: B O12
124: W O11
125: B N11
126: W P10
127: B O10
128: W R10
129: B S10
130: W Q9
131: B P11
132: W Q12
133: B O11
134: W O9
135: B R9
136: W Q10
137: B Q8
138: W P8
139: B M9
140: W R8
141: B S8
142: W R7
143: B S7
144: W Q7
145: B R6
146: W Q6
147: B Q5
148: W O6
149: B N6
150: W N7
151: B M7
152: W N8
153: B M8
154: W N9
155: B M10
156: W N10
157: B O7
158: W P6
159: B N5
160: W M11
161: B M12
162: W L11
163: B K11
164: W L12
165: B L15
166: W M13
167: B N14
168: W N12
169: B L13
170: W K13
171: B L14
172: W O13
173: B K12
174: W N13
175: B J13
176: W H1
177: B G1
178: W J1
179: B G2
180: W A4
181: B A3
182: W A5
183: B B3
184: W E19
185: B L10
186: W F19
187: B G19
188: W E6
189: B D5
190: W F6
191: B F7
192: W G6
193: B G7
194: W H6
195: B H5
196: W H7
197: B H8
198: W J5
199: B J6
200: W H4
201: B K5
202: W G5
203: B J5
204: W G3
205: B H3
206: W G11
207: B H11
208: W J8
209: B J9
210: W H9
211: B G10
212: W G8
213: B J7
214: W F4
215: B G4
216: W E4
217: B E3
218: W E5
219: B K8
220: W D3
221: B C4
222: W D2
223: B C2
224: W H8
225: B H10
226: W B2
227: B B1
228: W C3
229: B A2
230: W Pass
231: B O5
232: W Pass
233: B P5
234: W Pass
235: B Pass

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I couldn’t figure out how to get GOWrite to print the moves without any diagrams. Is that under Export or Print?

I don’t know about that, only that GoWrite has multiple printing options.

The first version of the Python script is available at

It will only run in Python 2.7.

It needs a package, gomill, to run. Most Python installations can use pip install gomill to install the needed package.

It will print one move per line. (I plan an update to print these in pairs.)

The script can handle a handicap game, reporting the location of the handicap stones.

Let me know what you think.

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New version with improved output:

Even game:

  1: B Q4     2: W R16 
  3: B D4     4: W C16 
  5: B Q10    6: W C6  
  7: B F3     8: W C9  
  9: B D6    10: W D7  
 11: B E7    12: W C7  

Handicap game:

Handicap is 6
Handicap stones are
Q4 D4 Q10 D16 D10 Q16
  1: B ----   2: W O17 
  3: B R14    4: W F17 
  5: B C17    6: W K17 
  7: B K4     8: W N3  
  9: B O4    10: W O3  
 11: B P3    12: W N4  

This is as far as I plan to take this with respect to function. I may clean up the code and add comments, but nothing the user should notice.