There must be some way out of here?
White to play.
Ah this one.
I think the problem is not correct.
When white plays A13 black can play A17.
White can eat the 2 stones but not enough to live.
Okay, first step is that i checked the book I got it from. Both setup and solution are correct, so I didn’t misplace a stone or something like that.
Second step: I followed your path and I can’t find a flaw in it. Maybe others can, but I (7kyu) certainly can’t.
I will add your solution to this problem,.
Never expected that an icon like Hashimoto Utaro (at one time a Honinbo) could make such a mistake.
Thanks for noticing.
And feel free to add your own puzzles in this thread
The solution is not correct, it is just another problem than you (and many others) expected.
This is a white to play and Black wins problem.
In chess this is quite normal.