Question about Review

Noob question about an after game review. After the game ends you can go back and make some different branches, test different sequences, etc … I was surprised when I saw it written on the chat: “Review” with a number on the side, and when I clicked on it, I could see in real time my opponent putting stones with several variations, putting marks in some stones, drawing all over the board, making annotations, like there was a teacher telling what happened after the game was over. Whenever I make a different branch after the game ends, a Review is automatically made and is available to be seen in real time by my opponent (and forever by everyone)?? Or there’s some option to be made private/public?

You can just “analyze game” without making a review.

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Normal variations aren’t saved. You need to make a review first, which is what you saw in chat. No review, no saved variations.


Thanks! And reviews are always saved, public and can be seen in real time?

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It’s possible to save variations without creating a review. Use Personal Notes, play out a variation, and click in the field “variation name”.

Aaah, yes AFAIK there are no known exceptions. All reviews should autosave and be public in real time.

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