Question for experienced players: Is this a thing? (Sideseki?)

Oops. Yes. I guess it was a tournament of blitz games with 10 minutes main time, and the exact start time of the tournament perhaps not advertised as well as it could have been.

But the idea of a tournament where players are expected to play original fuseki is great.

Is there a way to set-up an OGS tournament where the organizer is allowed to manually attribute points to the players?

For instance, we could have a tournament where each player earns one point per win, plus one point per game if the organizer validates that the game “does not have a too-classic fuseki”.


Didn’t go so well now did it. I feel this is a more typical sideseki game for me than the one where stuffs goes well. And a typical new account game.

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@Allerleirauh hahaha sorry, but I couldn’t stop laughing. I had just seen your post here, I had just made a new account for this topic just for fun, and I hit play and there you were :slight_smile:

And I say to myself, “maybe he’ll try sidesuji?” and you did :smiley:

Sorry for the bad plays. I am really horrible at live games, especially from my tablet and while smiling from ear to ear, so I misread that fight and hit resign to not waste your time. I guess we shouldn’t count this one as a win for the tactic ahahah

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I lost this time, but it was also against a non-standard opening and we got into heavy fighting later:

Overall I am happy with how it went in the opening, apart from getting a bit confused about the correct sense of direction. I still think that top left I should have pincered.

I am horrible in general so don’t worry.

Interesting moment is that you can do cuts like this since you’re strong on both sides.



That is very true … I think I tested that in the game with Shinuito above. I took a wrong turn some moves after the cut, but it was a very interesting thing that it was now much more playable :slight_smile:

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seems ideal to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Unless you’re white :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most peaceful game so far. Opponent decided that having corner and the center is enough to win. It appears I didn’t need to live inside and should’ve just used the anchor point at the top to reduce everything. But I felt center is big so I better live inside. I do love shape game. But this is why playing white is so annoying one more black move makes it really easy to secure the corners and be not that worse off.

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Tonight I dreamt that I was playing in a go tournament irl, and in the first round I played 4-10 as the first move


KataGo would still pick white :grin: (W ahead by ~3.5 points)


That was a very interesting game there on White. I really enjoyed going through the moves :slight_smile:

Mad :sweat_smile:

Perfect game, it’s also pretty balanced, W+1.5. /Opponent was ?


I normally prefer white because I’m territorial ATM. I would take black on this board 1000% haha


White would be quite a bit better if they didn’t submissively connect to black’s 4 peeps.


Sharing my first sobaseki (側関) game.

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The sideseki DGS game is still going on and I am really anxious now since we are on the “I am not really sure what I am doing” stage of the game. I think that I am still ahead by a few points, but I still do not believe that I will win this once the dust settles.

I really want to win this game though. :face_with_head_bandage:

It is getting close now and I think I am winning for a few points and that there aren’t many big endgame mistakes left on the board. Is sideseki going to land me a rare (for me) victory against a 1-dan player? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: