Thanks, the French list contains a lot of outdated words and expressions, I guess it doesn’t hurt to filter them since they never appear. A few words should be removed, such as “tirer” or “melon”. I’ll have a closer look later if I can.
Yeah, “You’re a **** idiot” will always be interpreted with the gerund form of the f-word, when what the person might have actually said was “You’re a darn idiot”, which depending on the context and prior relationship the parties have, could be a good deal more friendly. General rule, censored stuff will always be interpreted in the worst possible sense
Tirer can have sexual meaning too. (Tirer un/son coup)
I never use filters but it may be coming by default in some places?
There is apparently a 50 pt move on the board, but I don’t see it. Is it M15? Or at least something to do with killing that top group?
Isn’t it D10?
Whoo! Called it I ran a full strength AI pass over the game in question and it is where I predicted
Man I kept looking at that and thought it was alive! Now I see it again, totally dead
How is called a trick which loses points if your opponent refutes it, and doesn’t gain anything if he falls for the trick?
It’s called ‘playing go’ if you ask me.
Then my opponent played go at move 211.
He was leading by 0.5, tried to trick me. If I had refuted the trick I could have won by 0.5, but I didn’t and he won by 0.5 anyway. So I also played go, in some different way.
Is having spring/summer and autumn/winter curtains a thing? As in changing curtains twice a year.
Depends on the climate and the household money to spend, but I know it as a concept.
It’s both about style (florals/ dark colours) and material.
Other than decoration, it’s also about insulation. I was very surprised when I realised how big of a difference curtains make in keeping the sun/cold outside.
Maybe I should have specified that in this case two sets of curtains alternating so not too much expenditure (as in not a new set every 6 months!)
I suppose I never thought about interior design as being seasonal. It’s not like you redecorate otherwise more than once every few years!
But very much outside my realm of expertise it turns out!
Yes I understood. I was trying to be thorough in my response.
Some people change every 6 months really, if they keep up with trends to that extent, but even alternating between seasons can be costly if the fabric of the curtain is good and the windows of the house many, also some places have double curtain rails.
House decoration has very much fashion trends like clothes, and some people like to follow them. Others alternate every few cycles or keep classic items, others will change at least the prominent ones, as in, the fabric on the couch, the curtains, the lamps, the candles etc.
I never was into that, but it’s a thing.
Amazing! Who knew!
I don’t know that I’ve changed curtains twice in my life
I don’t know if I had curtains once in my life.
I have not even heard of the concept of curtains
Not a question but a nice quote of Henry Kissinger on go, and not wanting to start a new topic for this.
“If chess is about the decisive battle, wei qi is about the protracted campaign. The chess player aims for total victory. The wei qi player seeks relative advantage. […] Where the skilfull chess player aims to eliminate the opponent’s pieces in a series of head-on clashes, a talented wei qi player moves into the empty spaces on the board, gradually mitigating the strategic potential of his opponent’s pieces. Chess produces single mindedness, wei qi generates strategic flexibility.”