Quoting Bug

Sorry if I am posting to many topics but when I quote someone elses quote it sometimes says I quoted it. I know that is confusing so I took a screenshot:

This isn’t relevant here. If it is a bug, it’s with Discourse, and would be better addressed on their meta forum. I suspect, however, that your nested quotation tags got shifted and put the “author” attribute in the tags offset from the actual quotes. You should be able to edit your post and see/fix this. Quotes are just a specific type of formatting tags, like everything else.


To add to this, there isn’t usually much reason to quote a quote. Just quote the text you are replying to. In the rare case you actually need to, just fix the tag :man_shrugging:t2:


Haha. I like quoting quotes. I usually do change the name and post number though so I don’t get annoyed.


If you manually change the name and number of the post, it is possible.

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Let’s just quote to quote.
And forget that I almost put yebellz instead of Vsotvep on this quote.

Also let’s try something out for fun :smiley:
How many times did I use the word “hi” in the hi-chain? It is cheating if you used the quote feature.



22 times: using the search function there are 33 “hi”'s on this page, of which 11 are not part of your hi-chain. (Obviously the numbers are different after I post this).


It only lookes like 10.

How did you do the hi-chain?

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I would’ve called you correct if you had said 10. I don’t feel like counting all of them. I also didn’t count when I typed.

Don’t give away the answers @kingkaio

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:man_shrugging: Sorry, he could’ve just quoted it anyway.

But, what? It is 22, I just checked with quoting:

1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10       11       12       13       14       15       16       17       18       19       20       21       22
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Now you are quoting someone else. I didn’t close my smalls.

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It does that automatically (thankfully).

If it didn’t close them automatically the web page would break.

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I changed the name in the quote so I think u can make it back to original if u manually change it and haze said that not anoek

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[quote=“李建澔2, post:4, topic:28301”]

Now let’s see, @anoek, did you receive a notification from @李建澔2 quoting you?

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