Ranking in Go and its chess counterpart

EGD uses (EGF ratings system | E.G.D. - European Go Database)

An average 1 dan should have Go Rating about 2100 and the difference between grades is set to 100 (6 dan = 2600, 1 kyu = 2000, 20 kyu = 100 etc.).

AGA is using a 100 point spacing as well, with rank=rating/100 (positive being Dan, negative kyu). “There are no ranks between -100 and 100” https://agagd.usgo.org/ratings/overview/

while OGS is using

You can few both, you kyu/dan and ELO rank on your profile page.

There are difficulties when comparing absolute ELO ratings between different platforms, be it for the same game or different games.
ELO has no anchor, absolute values are meaningless, only differences in rating matter. Therefore how strong a 1500 player is different between platforms and over time. One first has to find how to align the rantings, before a meaningful comparison can be made.