Ranks histogram of ongoing live OGS games 2024

(in currently ongoing live or blitz games on OGS, [4k] is usually around 7.7% among all currently playing not correspondence users)
it doesn’t necessarily mean that more [4k] users exist than other ranks. It may mean that [4k] play more often than others
games against bots are excluded
correspondence games are not included

like above but with standard board sizes:

from 19.07 to 24.07 every several hours saved https://online-go.com/observe-games pages
did it 15 times, text search counted
there are different number of ongoing live games each time
calculated % in each iteration, then averaged it

instead of counting how many of users of each rank exist but barely play live on OGS, I was interested to know how distribution of currently playing live users looks like. That is what we are actually dealing against when go to https://online-go.com/play page to play live. Distribution of correspondence players or users who barely play on OGS may be not very relevant when you are going to play live.


This is a great project, and it aligns nicely with the idea of showing the number of active players around your rank on the Automatch button.

Could you build a scatter plot “rank distribution in active games” vs “rank distribution in general”? I’m not sure how to remove correspodence ranks from the second distribution, thought…

P.S. If you ever wanted to have a Go goal, take a look at this plot - if you are around 3-6k, you can get games much easier than other ranks, and you have the biggest number of active players around your rank to discuss games with.

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We need this not only for OGS but for other servers as well

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if you are [3d] you are stronger than 97,98% of currently playing live users
if you are [6k] you are stronger than 50,33% of currently playing live users
if you are [24k] you are stronger than 2,89% of currently playing live users


if you are [5k] and you are ok with 4k, 5k and 6k opponents, then you can expect that there are 51 users available (though they may use different ways to get a game and be not interested in similar strength opponents)

its way to draw in numbers and more smooth
sum of ±1 ranks

24k + 23k + 22k = 4,13 users on average, so [23k] column on histogram above has height 4,13
so usually around four 24k-22k users are playing live now, sometimes 8

its not rare for rank to go 1 up or 1 down sometimes, its not big difference

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