Rematches Should Create an Obvious Popup

We need a big, obvious “You Have Been Challenged to a Rematch” popup. This should come up on the screen as soon as the other player hits the “Rematch” button.

I have had rematch requests that I would have gladly played… only I simply didn’t notice them at the time. So I just jumped into another available game. Similarly, I have offered plenty of rematch requests that have not turned into games… I imagine because the other player didn’t notice it.

EDIT: the popup would not appear if you have already started a new game with someone else, and are in the middle of that game.


I don’t want a popup. I often start another game quickly and a popup in a fast game would be extremely disruptive. If you want to contact your opponent, send a PM which makes a small, nonobtrusive window.

Also, I often don’t want to immediately play the same person again for various reasons. Do you really want to force me to tell you that no, I don’t want to replay you right now?

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First a small answer to the reply: A small pop-up like the “Its Your-turn” dont hurt much. It goes away after some seconds.

But the problem still remains, 'cause if I don’t look to the computer in this few seconds, i miss the rematch/challenge.
And I missed soooo much rematchs/challenges, because I simply not noticed.

What about The blue Message counter in the upper right corner, you may ask?

I don’t use it, because most of the messages are not useful at all.
“Game started xxx vs me” Its a message what I don’t need because i already know, cause I started it, but it wasted the counter.

My messageboard is always filled (33 in news in this moment) but I miss the important messages like I got rematch/challenge.

So what I wish is a better notification about such rematch/challenges.

It could be in the white counter (actually it is kind of a first move and similar to “your turn”) or at least I could stop all the notifications that I dont need in the blue message counter.

(seriously I don’t need messages that my game just started.
I already know 'cause i hit the accept button
or at least I see it in the white counter, because its my turn)

What I also miss sometime is the time (not only the date) when I recived the challenge. When i accept a challenge and then wait for the opponent to make his first move its a huge diffrence: if he challenged me 10minutes ago and i have to be a little patient or he challenged me 10 hours ago and is probably not on his computer anymore, and I wait and wait and wait and wait…

If you don’t want the message that the game started then turn it off in your settings.

The popup could be offered only while the opponent hasn’t started a new game yet… Just like it is implemented in, I have found it completely non-intrusive.

I think a small popup telling you that you got a rematch challenge is a really good idea.

Yes, I also play chess on different websites, and the small popup on is what gave me the idea, since it works so well over there. In answer to wulfenia:

“I often start another game quickly and a popup in a fast game would be extremely disruptive.”
– Ah, you’re imagining a rematch request from a previous game popping up while you’re on a different game? That would be disruptive. That’s not what I have in mind. The only time it would pop up is while you’re on that game’s screen with that opponent (like, analyzing your game after it’s over) or in the new game / seek / overview screen.

" If you want to contact your opponent, send a PM which makes a small, nonobtrusive window."
– as mentioned before, it’s easy to miss these until much later.

“Also, I often don’t want to immediately play the same person again for various reasons.Do you really want to force me to tell you that no, I don’t want to replay you right now?”
– yes, actually, I do. When I offer a rematch, I have to NOT start a new game with anyone else while I wait for you to potentially accept my rematch offer. This waiting period is inefficient. I would much rather know that you declined my request, so I can move on to another person. (A declined rematch is no hard feelings)

If I don’t wait, I might start a new game, and also have you accept my rematch, which creates TWO games at once.

Bottom line, rematches can be fun and add an exciting dynamic. But current implementation does not lend itself to creating that dynamic. A popup would help immensely.



If you don’t want the message that the game started then turn it off in your settings.

I disabled all notifications in my settings months ago. The “Game has started” messages are the only once they don’t want to disapear.
Maybe its a bug? (never occured to me before)

@ tomatohorse: sorry, for off topic

Since yesterday, when I wrote the reply above, I missed 3 rematches. And the opponent wasted probably time with waiting for me :frowning:

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