I’d like to remind you, go players, that Waseda university has digital versions of very old go books. So if you like old things or older games, these can be fun.
(Just click on the picture and it’ll bring up viewing options)
has interesting joseki positions
i translated into visual go stones
this position specifically i thought it was modern go, guess not since it appeared on these ancient books
up to move 5, this position looks similar to where as white played 3-4 first then low pincered high approach, but the sequence of how it played out seems super odd
i mean if i were black, i probably play something like
hence white move 4 seems awkward no?
Those are three different names, not two: Inoue Intatsu Inseki (https://senseis.xmp.net/?Intatsu) and Yasui Senkaku Senchi (https://senseis.xmp.net/?YasuiSenchi). 18th-century games tend to feel a bit strange to me, less advanced than the “classical period” 1820-1920. For instance if you look at Honinbo Jowa’s games from 40 or 50 years later, he is a lot less interested in passive moves like C16 and R10 and does more “manipulation of the flow of the game”.