Rengo Casual Mode feedback

I think it’s answered that only players that are currently on vacation will have to return, anyone after that won’t count.

Also, going on vacation doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t play their move until they return.


Correct: the people currently on vacation need to return, but no further people going on vacation will add to the list.


problem is: next player is not likely to return on OGS, so for game to continue that player needs to timeout, and for that to happen vacation of other players needs to end.
So people on vacation won’t be able to make move

maybe add option where moderator will be able to kick player from casual rengo?
(I’m about that not active account, not about vacation people)
In some games people will have to wait 2 months now, a lot of people may leave meanwhile.

If someone is on vacation but keeps playing, why kick them?

Which is that not active account?

They do not need to make a move in this specific game to end the vacation period though.

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The next player in our Rengo game.

This looks like a clear example, timed out a bunch.

But in general, if game is paused by someone else’s vacation, and it’s my turn to move and I haven’t noticed because the clock doesn’t move, I shouldn’t be kicked out.

There needs to be a case-by-case here.

when game is 5days/move and someone is not on vacation and didn’t make move for 5 days and didn’t timeout only because bug, its fair to kick him, so next player finally will get chance to make a move.

Apart from that clear example above (which yes probably a mod should kick, they are clearly inactive), a player may not know they are supposed to play if there’s a pause. Not everyone is in the forums AND an experienced player.
Make it clear until the bug gradually goes out or communicate with them to let them know they should play.
I understand you want to play on, but no need to be draconian.

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Just for clarification for me: this is only a “problem” in as much as the game won’t proceed till the vacation ends, right?

So within a few weeks, the person on vacation will return, they will turn off vacation, and that “inactive active person” will time out and the game will proceed.

The time-outing person really should be kicked ideally, but there is no way (even for moderators) to achieve this right now, so we just have to be patient for this one.