Rengo: it is time for the default to be "casual"?

My current thinking is that it should be like this:

(*) Standard Go
     [ ] Unranked
     [ ] Private
( ) Casual Rengo
( ) Strict Rengo

A radio between three game-type/rules supported, plus options that appear for Standard Go, when it is selected.

I went to implement this, but found it was actually too hard for my feeble brain: the logic of that component is legendarily convoluted … and includes demos and forked game logic. The risk of messing with it and breaking some combination is too high! :open_mouth:


Well that’s the point. If there is no such thing as “Ranked rengo”, then you don’t need the user to choose between “Ranked” and “Unranked” when starting a rengo.

Which is why I insist. Those are four mutually-exclusive options.

You appear to be unhappy because the option I list as “Unranked” should be “Unranked 1vs1” instead to make it clear it’s not rengo, but I think just “Unranked” is clear enough.

… only if you know that Rengo is not ranked. And even then it begs the question “how can rengo be be neither ranked nor unranked?”.

I’m not too fussed though: I like the scheme I most recently posted :slight_smile:

But as I said, it takes a braver person than me to mess with the “ranked” checkbox logic :open_mouth:

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Some thoughts:

  1. If “Standard Go” is a category, so should Reno.
    a) Strict and Casual are just timeout rule flavours of the broader Reno.
    b) I think a single option on the subcategory would be enough. Either “Strict” yes/no, or “Casual” yes/no.
  2. Private games are always unranked, so should they be a subcategory of “Unranked”? It increases nesting, but would remove the dependency on an other option on the same level.
    Also: Is private Rengo a thing?

This is my mockup variant:

(*) Standard Go
     [ ] Unranked
         [ ] Private
( ) Rengo
    [ ] Strict/Casual (Whatever is not the default)

PS: Thank you for taking a look at the Challenge modal.


That’s nice, though it is a return to having to decide which is the default :slight_smile:

As rengo is a fringe use case, it shouldn’t take up too much screen and thus brain space of a user on the create game dialog. So 2 items “Casual Rengo” and “Strict Rengo” is too much. “WTF is rengo and why do I need to think about it” says random Joe who just wants to play a normal game without expending a lot of mental effort navigating the cockpit of doom.

^^ That’s how it is right now, right?