Rengo status

There’s a ranked column for rengo?

There’s a column called “casual” which I assumed is the opposite of “ranked”? If it’s unrelated to whether it’s ranked or not then it would be the complaint from me instead.

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“Casual” is the opposite of “strict” here. Rengos are always unranked


It’s the opposite of “strict” which is still not ranked (although I can see the similarities)

strict just means if you time out or resign, the game ends for everyone


I see. Then as I said this naming convention would be my complaint instead. In the modern online gaming “casual” is strongly associated with “ranked” as being the opposite of it. If it has something to do with changing the time controls, which isn’t clear at all from this word alone, then a more suitable word should’ve been used. A word that comes to mind related to timing out is “sudden death”, so maybe “SD” with an on-hover tooltip. Or if you go the tooltip route to begin with, at least clarify the current use of the column.


FWIW It was this community, in this thread, that came up with the name “casual” to refer to the new feature, if I recall correctly.

This is the first time there’s any suggestion that it’s “out of line”. But maybe that’s because you’re the first newcomer to the feature who wasn’t involved in the discussion?

I imagine that if there’s consensus about a better name, we’ll use it.

I don’t like the suggestion of “Sudden Death” because

  1. Sudden Death is the opposite of Casual.

Casual means, precisely: “each player has their own clock instead of using a team clock, and the game continues even after someone times out”.

That’s the opposite of “the game suddenly dies when someone times out”, which is normal Rengo rules, if applied Strictly.

This is an OGS specific feature, not found in any other implementation or play of “Rengo” that I am aware of.

  1. If you intended to change the name of “Strict” you should find another name that means “strictly following the rules of normal rengo”. Sudden Death sounds like something “abnormal and scary”.

If I understand correctly, “SD” would be the name for what we now call “strict mode”. “Casual” would be “not SD”

Yes exactly, so the idea of “Sudden Death” as a new name isn’t solving the problem that @esoba raised (and indicates that esoba possibly has not yet understood the two Rengo modes we offer).

Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone documented them in a clear way for newcomers, so we could put a link to that explanation in useful “Rengo” places :wink:

Haha if even if they were in the wiki…

I wonder if we can find better names for these. They were fine when we knew what they were when discussing in the forum, but I agree with @esoka that casual/strict doesn’t really communicate that we are talking about how timeouts and resignations work. (I mean there are quite a few ways we could deviate from strict rengo rules!)

It strikes me as quixotic to try to find a single word name that means:

“each player has their own clock instead of using a team clock, and the game continues even after someone times out”.

The actual problem that @esoka had, the root cause of this discussion, is that they didn’t realise that ALL Rengo at OGS is unranked.

With that in mind, it is fair to say that a column marked “Casual” could be taken to mean “if not true, then ranked”, which is what esoka took from it.

So what we need is a label that conveys “this is not normal Rengo rules” and/or “this is the option you choose if you are just playing casually”, and which does not imply the opposite of ranked :smiley:

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I like casual, really say what it is. Maybe “classic” or “traditional” instead of strict?


Right - so there’s a good solution: let’s invert the sense of the column.

If we label the column “strict”, then you get the sense that if this is “False” it’s going to be … “not strictly Rengo”.

(There are all sorts of ways that it could be not strictly Rengo, so if you are wondering what it means then you ask in the forum, and I get to say “Hey, it’d be great if someone documented this, then I’d put a link to it next to that column title” each time :smiley: )


I’m still thinking, but I feel like a more descriptive term is within reach… just to spit ball a little:

  • Early Exit: Yes, No
  • Game Ends: One-by-One, Whole team
  • Timer: Individual, Shared

and fwiw I thought SD at least hinted that this related to how the game ended, which is nice

Is changing the names really out of the discussion?

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Pop up pop up! :smirk: (hovering)

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Mobile mobile :wink:

No, not at all, go for it with discusions!


Yeah that would be nice too, if there are no better short words

I like more classic as strict because there is more incentive. Strict has a bit of negative connotation, classic will rally the players who are searching a classic rengo in a flash.


That makes me think of another option for making the table more clear (possibly)

Keep the current names (or call strict classic haha) but rename the column to something like Timer. Then have “Casual” or “Strict” in the column itself


I think this is closer, but there’s more to it as well. The time settings are limited a bit more (no fischer/byo yomi) and resignations are individual as well right?

Probably not everything will be captured by one word, and need a link somewhere to further explain it people are curious.


Then we have time and timer columns, bit confusing