Rengo status

Yeah agreed, there’s more to it, and +1 to a link to documentation.

In my mind though, the core feature is relatively simple, and most of the additional stuff (vacation, simple time) just followed logically.


I was actually just thinking about that! one more idea…

What if we coopted the Time column? Simple time takes up relatively little space, so we could specify casual there:

Screenshot 2022-03-04 16.59.33

Hmm I guess all that stuff I said misses this ^^ hmm… well good ol’ @benjito is out of ideas for today. I’ll check back later :slight_smile:


But - this then obscures a really fundamental difference that is more than just “the time setting is different”.

I still like it.

Another but - you have to label the checkbox in the game creation dialog anyhow, so what name does it have?


I’m reading it fairly diagonally right now but what is the point of time settings if there’s no timing out? Why not just put a “-” there or “No limits”. I think there should already be an implementation of this (time control - none).

Individual players can time out still in casual setting.

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Oh I see. I’m just like dora, exploring all the subliminal functionality of the word “casual” here.

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I don’t know, if they whole thing started here, and the community here kinda got into the specific names, why the need to adjust to some other thing?

Terms seem to have caught, and new people can just ask. It’s how things work whenever we encounter something new. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I mean, tiger’s mouth has a meaning out there and a meaning in here. Nobody got hurt by adjusting.


So that the new players wouldn’t need to ask questions. Doesn’t help that there’s no explanation of the term whatsoever right now. To me personally “casual” is a way of playing the game, e.g. some troll fuseki or just close to no reading, and I wouldn’t even dream that there’s a connection to the time settings. If the term was changed to something more appropriate or was explained via a tooltip there’d be no need to ask these questions and draw assumptions.

I always agree to that.

As you define it, casual is quite appropriate

You are free of responsability for

  • resigning (the game continues)
  • time managing vs your team (you have your own clock)

What’s going on in this game ?

It’s written “system[9d+]: ‘gon215’ left: Resignation” and yet gon215 is apparently still there?


Lol is this the first time we’ve gotten to the end of a casual match?

This match is not finished yet. The strange thing is that apparently

  • player 1 resigned
  • player 2 timed out
  • player 1 continues to play ??

I guess that’s what I’m asking… the match should be over, given what you’ve said, but for some reason it continues


Yeah, that’s a bug.

Two bugs actually :slight_smile:

Or, one bug and one misfeature.

Bug: when the last person leaves, the game certainly should be over.

Misfeature: there is no way for the team in Casual to resign.

Edit, actually, if the bug wasn’t there, then I guess the team in Casual resigns by… everyone resigning, so that’s not too bad afterall.

Just need to fix the bug.


The team did resign in this casual rengo:

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Seems like he’s not gon yet


Another example of auto balance, then I’ll stop harping on this :slight_smile:


I imagine we can do better with auto-balance, and it’s definitely good to have examples of where improvement is needed.

I’m not sure if anyone is actively working on it right now.

One thing to bear in mind is that (for me at least) autobalance was an idea to help the organizer deal with large lists.

For this purpose, it doesn’t need to be “perfect”, it just needs to get things roughly right, so they can be tweaked into place.

If/when we make autobalance work with autostart, then it would be more important to have a totally acceptable result every time.