Rengo status

Now I have a bunch of games stuck in weekend, I don’t know if it’s related.

What does “stuck in weekend” mean? It was afterall the weekend, and so games that pause on the weekend were paused…

OGS server time is Monday.

I repeat a game that was supposed to go on weekend didn’t…

Either I’m very confused or something is wrong…

When player from Team W times out, the clock for Team B starts running or the clock for next player in Team W starts running?

Normally, the timer for next player in Team W

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I’m not sure what’s going on.

All B players until move 1 timed out one by one, then a bunch of W timed out, a lot resigned and coincidentally we ended up with even players in both teams?

Also, I thought timing out meant your team missed a turn as well, but I guess I was mistaken. :woman_shrugging:t2:
(which now that I think about it doesn’t make much sense, it’s been a confusing day :woman_shrugging:t2:)

In my games I thought it happened because 12 hours is a short time but apparently the problem is another one

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Looks like it’s time for me to implement Gia’s request of saying which team the abandoner was on, so we can follow these problem reports more easily.

I can’t see what’s wrong in the linked game.


I think she was referring to the huge number of eliminated players

But a huge number of timed out players is not a “problem” in itself is it?

Staring at that game, I see that a bunch of players left either by resignation or timeout. While this was happening, at some point one of the black players played their move.

We would need to know which team the players who left were on in order to work out who played the first move with certainty, though in all likelihood it was NinjaKitty, since they are at the bottom of the black team now.

… can you help my feeble mind see what the problem is?


Maybe “problem” wasn’t the best word (I don’t know why I wrote “moves”), I’m sorry. I was referring to the fact that most of the games I started with 4 players ended by timeout when they were 1 vs 1.
Players who join rengo games are like players who accept 1s games tendentially :slight_smile:

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As I typed I realised there are two kinds of “problem”. One is with the code, the other is not :smiley:

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I would like to suggest making casual mode the default option for rengo rather than strict mode. Myself and other players have been in several games that ended in timeout or an inappropriate early resignation where everyone wanted to keep playing but the game ended due to strict mode. Most players I have talked to don’t even know the difference between strict and casual mode as there is no explanation directly on OGS.

I wonder what you were really expecting in this case. You signed up for a rengo game, and your team-mate timed out … what would be normal to happen? I know what I’d expect: I’d expect the game to be over, because that’s how rengo works.

“Casual mode” is something special at OGS that recognises that often team-mates are unreliable and we just want to have fun. I don’t think this makes it the correct default for “Rengo” though.

This statement nags at me. It implies you think that there should be an explanation “directly on OGS”, and that since there isn’t “its perfectly understandable that you don’t know what some feature is”.

This doesn’t hold water. There are many features on OGS that don’t have “an explanation directly on OGS”. One obvious example: Rengo. If we are going have an explanation for “casual mode” on OGS, do we have to have an explanation of “Rengo” as well?

If you don’t know what a feature is, you try it out or you find someplace to ask. “No-one knows what this is because there isn’t an explanation directly on OGS” seems like a fallacy. Or a proposal for site-wide in-place documentation :slight_smile:

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I was referring to “what is going on, no way to tell whose clock ran when especially since coincidentally same amount of players gone from both teams”.

In another game, W column of players keeps getting shorter, so for a moment I thought that clock alternates at timeouts (because of above game) and this second game had an issue (which was a misunderstanding in my part).

I understand it’s kind of a luxury, but who’s who I think should be implemented at some point.

What’s going on with this game?

Sofiam can’t accept the score and the clock is paused.


If it helps, it happened it also here. Even if I couldn’t see that I accepted the score (it disappeared every time that I refreshed, like in the game that jlt linked) , that game ended when GreenAsJade jlt accepted the score, I think.


I apologize for the lack of clarity in my original post, so I would like to clarify my point here: I believe online rengo presents some unique constraints (internet connectivity, players not being fully aware that it was their turn) and these are often exacerbated in larger rengos. One small hiccup will end an entire game. Here is an example of a live 4v4 rengo that ended due to timeout, which is more along the lines of what I am concerned with: WSC Rengo game. The game clearly ended due to a logistical problem and I believe the issue would have been resolved if either casual mode was the default option or if casual mode was more clearly explained. We were able to send out another challenge in this instance but if this same kind of issue happens in a game that is much further along (perhaps 100 moves in), I think the players involved would be frustrated and disinclined to start over.

No. Given that casual mode is an OGS-specific feature (a great feature which fixes many problems with the online element of particularly large rengo games), I think it makes sense to have an explanation of said feature present within OGS (or perhaps a link to a resource on OGS which explains what it is). I don’t mean to imply that every non-obvious term ought to be defined.
Thank you for considering my post and thank you for bringing the rengo feature to OGS. My post only intends to provide a suggestion that would improve what OGS has already established, not criticize any of the great work that has already been done.

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So there’s really an argument for Casual to be the default, on this basis eh.

Casual is limited in the choice of timing etc… I wonder whether we would then just get a flood of “why can’t we have different timing in Rengo?” kind of questions…

I did offer to put a link like that when that resource is created - I will do that.

It definitely makes sense to have links like that where we can … they are far less problematic to do than “in client documentation”.

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I apologize to everyone. Misclick from my phone. It only takes two clicks…

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