Request skill level check up!

Hi every one.

New (6 week) go player here!

I played go on 9-9 for 2 weeks, 13-13 for 2 weeks, and now 19-19 for about 2-3 weeks.

OGS says I’m already 14-15 kyu in 19-19, but I think I had quite a few lucky game where my opponent made silly mistake. I think i’m more around 17-18 kyu still.

Anyhow, I know just from playing more I would get better, but I would like a tutoring game to see where my next objectives are from someone else. Also just because it’s fun to play with someone stronger.

So far I do some tsumego when I can (every 3 days ish for 20 min), I play online, and I just started my third book in a series of 5 books.

I’m 32 years old and we could review with discord or just in chat after the game.

Thank’s a bunch (ideally it would be someone 5-6 kyu or higher).


All the best! If you are okay with correspondence you can send me a challenge anytime.


Being able to take advantage of (even to simply notice) opponent’s mistakes can be part of the difference between 17k and 14k…



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If you’d like another correspondence game, you can send me a challenge. I’m ~4-5 kyu. Happy to discuss the game as we play it.


Sure. Thanks. No live too? But yes I’ll add you