Resigning vs ending the game

I think there is a VERY BIG MISUNDERSTANDING about the “polite rule” out there.

First: to play a complex game like GO to the end is important! Not only to look who won but rather to learn how certain position will play out for good or bad…it is all about learning. Even if you can easily aproximate a outcome its even better to let your subconscioussness actullay see one of the results.

(You will steal this from your opponent AND you by just resigning)

of course it is unpleaseant to play a game to the end while you clearly losing.
To avoid this unpleaseantness in front of everyone else (remember: its an actuall board game in an asian culture, where ‘losing face’ is a fix term) you CAN resign without a unpolitness whats usual comes with quitting earliyer and not playing to the end.

So it is for the winning party polite to accept the resigning without hesitation or repression.

Its funny to see how the “polite rule” become something different in our modern wolrd, where time is money and the weaker player have to decide that the game is lost without understanding, because it could be unpolite to play further. wtf