Fill stones in the opponent's territory which was clearly 100% not going to work

i feel like sharing this very old post here again. the topic wasnt exactly the same then, but imo it fits the overarching theme. then, this post changed how i used to think about the issue of resigning vs ending a game and i am very thankful to @sTan for it. ive been able to enjoy go more and in all situations since.
really, the polite thing is for the winners to stop whining about how they are winning :slight_smile:.

@danielt1263 s logic is certainly sound :slight_smile:. but the fact also remains, that it is intuitively wrong to say resigning and playing on are essentially the same thing, when, imo, the exact point of playing on is not to resign :slight_smile:.
the two are clearly different, as can be seen by their different results. one ends the game before concluding it, the other results in a finished game including scoring phase.