Review 9x9- can anyone help?

Could somebody analyze the game? Thank you in advance! (I had the black and I lost)

It’s easier to review if you play the game on OGS…


you need to download sgf from GoQuest and upload it to library in OGS
then you can share link here to the copy of your game


But its clear from screenshot that you place your stones too close to edges of the board. You need to place them more in the center.


[GoQuest game[9x9](IwonaW[718] VS Jo20[1006]) Go Quest (9x9) - Play Free Online Game Of Go #GoQuest #baduk](GoQuest game[9x9](IwonaW[718] VS Jo20[1006]) Go Quest (9x9) - Play Free Online Game Of Go #GoQuest #baduk)

Is it work?

Nice game, and very typical for a beginner!

As others said, it’s better to focus on the center of the board in 9x9 Go than on the edges. The center is important in 9x9 Go. Controlling it can help you influence all sides and corners, giving you a strong position. Moves in the center also give you a good base for future moves.

Black lost because the 33 points Black made and defended weren’t enough to win, even after successfully invading. As Black, you need about 45 points to win a 9x9 game. So I suggest focusing on the center and trying to take a bigger area in your next games.


Good morning. Thanks a lot for your comment. I will try to play more offensive and in the center. Have a nice day!


Hi, just to clarify, @mark5000 didn’t just leave a comment here in the forums, they also added a few very specific remarks in the game review linked in their post.

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