Review mode UI flaw. Cannot fit both goban and conversation in the screen

On my laptop with a resolution of 1366x768, If I want to see the goban, the conversation is clipped , if I want to see the conversation, the goban is clipped. Is there a happy solution?

Review mode UI flaw. Cannot fit both goban and conversation in the same screen.
link to the review

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I have same problem on my laptop with even better resolution 1920x1080. During review, it is impossible to see both goban and whole conversation window in same time even when my browser is in fullscreen. (Bottom of conversation is cut just like in screenshot above.)


Plus 1!!

Those giant player icon boxes add little and detract awfully from the user experience. And it happens in full HD mode, too.

We’re looking at this and will have it fixed up soon.

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In the meanwhile I have made this small script for the browser addon called stylish to address this issue

Why not simply give #game-goban-container a position fixed though? I usually just put it in quick when I need to scroll…

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