Review request (8k vs 6k)

Hi, I played this game earlier today, and I’m a little confused about what I should have played in response to move 14 (D8).

I’ve caped the white group in hope to profit on the left side and strengthening my group on the bottom.
Reviewing this game with AI told me that trying to capture the group was way too much (only had a small chance thanks to mistakes my opponent made) so I would like if someone could tell how I should have dealt with this group.

The link to the game: Play Go at! | OGS

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Your cap was a fair move—not bad by my estimation. The AI recommendation is just one point away (a knight’s move rather than a cap). The AI preference may relate to the elephant eye that the cap left behind at E9. Attacking typically means pushing an opposing weak group into your strong group so that you can play on the other side and make points while they only get to play dame while they run. The knight’s move better fits this goal.

At the same time, to my human eyes, I question if your F4 group is really so strong that you’d want to push white forcefully into it. If your goal is profit, why not consider just taking profit with something like E16? Leave the hard decision of what to do next to White.

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The AI suggest a slighty different move for move 14, but your move lost only 0.9 points, so I wouldn’t consider that a mistake at your level (8k OGS).

The AI review shows that the game was still close after the fight in the lower left. The first big mistake came later, at move 61 in the upper right (losing 11 points). You should have cut to save some stones of yours. After that mistake, the game was no longer close (although your opponent did give you some chances later to reverse the game by killing his big group with move 114 and move 124).

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Thank you for giving my question some time. The two variations you showed me are what I was aiming for (especially the first one), thank you.

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