Robots in Terrihill: Werewolf Game 3.0

I’m in.

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Oh but vsotep said he was already in it

When will it be created?

You can join on the condition that you start reading the threads you post in.

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what my last post was about.


Got it

Oh yeah, @Vsotvep, I will know the rules this time and not ask so many unnecessary questions again. That sound good? :upside_down_face:


I thought vagabond was the director

Nope that was just between @Haze_with_a_Z and @Haze_with_a_Z .that was game 4

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Is this when I was both leon(werewolf) and some other person (I forget their name) who could add an extra vote to anyone? I am completely lost on what went on in that game. Especially since I was the only one in it.

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Sounds very confusing @Haze_with_a_Z

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That is why I cancelled it also that was Nani

I see. Do you know when the next game will be created?

Um, so far you haven’t been doing this. He already posted when it would be created in this thread.

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Can you just tell me please? I missed it when I was reading through


Vsotvep posts this (I assume) meaning that he is working on creating the thread right now. If we keep calling him over here though, I assume it will take longer.


You guessed it :wink:

Expect it sometime soon, but probably not within 30 minutes or so.


Thank you @Haze_with_a_Z
I would tag vsotep but I don’t want to slow him

@Sports_for_Life, @Haze_with_a_Z, @李建澔2, @ginger2008

Thanks for the patience, you can now read the rules and enroll for the next game here: Werewolf Game 4 - Conscription


@Haze_with_a_Z , please don’t worry, your story and your writing were totally fine. It’s not the easiest job to be the GM (I know why I don’t want to do it :wink: ), and I think you did really great. Thanks again.


I enjoyed your story building very much. I hope my incursions did not bother you on that front, it was actually the interesting setting made me want to start telling a story myself.

I suppose I still owe the ending to my character, by the way. Here it goes.

After Credits:

(Content warning: abusive language)

Back in the big city, 27-O-56 sat by her desk, recharging. As usual, she’d be writing on her blog, still checking on Achan for any signs of trouble, and occasionally scribbling some notes on her journal. She’d bought an actual Orpheus this time, which stood as the only decoration on one side of her laptop.

(knock, knock, knock)

—Finally—she sighed. She took her time to disconnect every device, and then went for the door.

—Leira!, you’re alive!—and instinctively went for a hug. Leira pushed her aside and entered the apartment.

—Tsk! Next time you could at least execute some surprise simulation. Where are my tools?, I want them back.

—They kept them, and you know it.

Leira just stood there. There was a small scar across her left eyebrow; she was also using a cane to walk (and you would suspect this cane contained some sort of hidden weapon). Overall, not a terrible outcome after being hit in the face with a metallic suitcase and thrown out of a speeding vehicle. 27-O-56 looked at her in pity and regret. Leira smirked.

—You do know, Twenty-Seven, that you’re just an object; you were given to me to do as I please. I command, you obey. That which you felt wasn’t love: robots cannot love, you’re just selfish machines. In your selfishness, you just wanted to make *others* feel something for you. But I was not stupid, I didn’t love you either; I was just playing with my fun little toy.

What are you gonna do now? You think *anyone* would your friend? Who’s gonna put up with all your bulls$&t? Nobody likes a freak like you, pretending to be oppressed so that you can destroy society with your ideology. You’re nothing without a master.

Come on, you better come back with me; I’ll be different. I promise I will not hit you anymore; those other times I just… I just lost my mind, you know? But you provoked me, you know you shouldn’t contradict me.

I watched that TED-Talk you wanted me to watch, remember? I guess you should have *some* rights after all, even though you’re not human. Come on, I’ll take care of you; nobody will hurt you anymore.

27-O-56 was tearful. Rationally, she knew she was stronger, faster, smarter and kinder, but she couldn’t help feeling that Leira was so much more powerful than her. Back when she ran away, there were many times she wished Leira would come looking for her, to save her from the rest of the world. She thought she was over it, that she wouldn’t feel it ever again. But right now she felt like choking on a hot coal and she was terrified.

—You know, Yoshimi? You changed your name but everything else stayed the same. Such a shame that your parents named you after that song for such unholy purpose. To this day I still can’t listen to it without feeling nausea, and I don’t even eat!

I used to believe every word you just said; I used to want you to change; I used to want you to love me back. And I thought it was all my fault, that I was made defective. That I didn’t actually love people because I wanted affection from them. But the truth is that you’ve always used my own feelings against me. I just wish I had known this sooner.

—Well, if you will not be mine, then you will be no one else’s. You’re worthless now, and I have no more use for you.

Yoshimi pressed a (predictably) red button on her key chain, and a tune started to play inside 27-O-56’s chest. It was “Mr. Roboto” from the album “Kilroy Was Here”. She expected the virus to enter self destruct at any moment.

* leira is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. *


—Oh! Vep wasn’t the only scientist in town, you know? @yebellz found your virus. Admittedly, styx.dll wasn’t the most clever way to hide it. I know you wanted me to go over there to wreak havoc on the whole town, and massacre everyone. You failed though, in the end they *did* listen to reason, to their own reason.

You altered my routines, and corrupted my very own soul. You invaded the sacredness of my kernel! But not anymore. I’ve been upgraded; I run on Linux now.

—Meh! They just want to use you.

—Like you did!? They don’t treat me that much better, but this time I know who *I* am. Didn’t you ever wonder why, after studying me, they ultimately let me go?

Yoshimi wasn’t so amused anymore. She hurried for the door but it was too late: Terrihill’s sheriff was standing on the other side, along with two state officers.

—Of course, our cooperation ends now, and I’ll also have to surrender myself. I hope you don’t mind that I changed a few lines of your code to ping my GPS location to the police department.

—You two, come with us! No funny business this time—said the sheriff.

—Of course, officer. I was just turning off my computer—responded 27-O-56. Though she didn’t forget to surreptitiously hit “Send” before logging off.

subject: Re:RE: Unlawful human experimentation and unethical A.I.
to: whistleblower@freakyleaks.onion

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