Salt Cat: Mad Handicap 9x9

Second round complete.
471 games, 99 timeouts.


Outcome was quite balanced for 0 and 1 handicap
Even with 4 ranks difference, there were 16 vs 12 games, 57 vs 43 %.
Groups with 2 and 3 handicaps saw more black wins, but the number of games wasn’t so large and stats couldn’t be reliiable.

Third round has 420 games.
We go up to 4 handicap with 5.5 negative komi.


Handicap should be calculated from new ranks, I suppose.
I had to switch from v1 API to termination-api for the players list, since the former had broken rankings.
I didn’t do the same yet for games, so I am still retrieving games data from v1 API.
I actually don’t know where to look for starting ranks.

I used to look in v1 “gamedata” section but it doesn’t appear updated with new rankings. Example:


{   "players": {
        "black": {
            "id": 11184,
            "username": "zhal",
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1533.0075473565191,}},
            "ranking": 18,},
        "white": {
            "id": 308797,
            "username": "Lys",
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1688.4566123087104,}},
            "ranking": 23,}},
    "id": 31277608,
    "name": "Tournament Game: Salt Cat: Mad Handicap 9x9 (66295) R:3 (Lys vs zhal)",
    "handicap": 1,
    "komi": "3.50",
    "historical_ratings": {
        "black": {
            "id": 11184,
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1533.007568359375,}},
            "ranking": 24.807274690058826,},
        "white": {
            "id": 308797,
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1688.4566650390625,}},
            "ranking": 27.04317904298873,}},
    "gamedata": {
        "white_player_id": 308797,
        "black_player_id": 11184,
        "players": {
            "black": {
                "username": "zhal",
                "rank": 18.35705953107835,},
            "white": {
                "username": "Lys",
                "rank": 21.308412146517206,}},
        "handicap": 1,
        "komi": 3.5,

Now “historical ratings” section looks the most updated. Maybe I should use that one, but I would be grateful for every possible hint or help about it, since I feel quite lost.

I also checked termination-api but it looks even worse:


"game_name":"Tournament Game: Salt Cat: Mad Handicap 9x9 (66295) R:3 (Lys vs zhal)",
		"id":11184}	,

I removed many lines which were useless for my goal.
Anyway, according to termination-api players seem to be still 12k and 9k, while these are our mugshots today:

@benjito, can you dig something here?