"San-san practioners": a table from SL

From Calvin’s personal Sensei’s Library page, 2007

San-san practitioners

I [Calvin] did some kombilo searches to determine who the biggest practitioners of the 3-3 point are. Since far fewer players play it as black then as white, it’s important to separate them:

Most games in GoGoD as Black (>= 10), with frequency of player’s total games where they played 3-3.

# Freq Player
109 73.6% Fujisawa Hosai (Kuranosuke)
87 14.7% Sakata Eio
40 4.8% Cho Chikun
16 3.7% Kitani Minoru
13 5.6% Yamashita Hiroshi
13 4.0% Ishida Yoshio
10 1.8% Seo Pong-su
10 6.9% Kudo Norio

Most as white (>= 50)

# Freq Player
265 44.9% Sakata Eio
166 49.0% Ishida Yoshio
117 14.0% Cho Chikun
112 16.1% Rin Kaiho
101 19.9% Otake Hideo
98 13.2% Hashimoto Utaro
66 17.0% O Rissei
66 11.2% Kato Masao
61 15.9% Fujisawa Hideyuki (Shuko)
58 16.4% Ma Xiaochun
50 9.0% Seo Pong-su

Interesting table :smiley: But what does it mean to play 3-3? As a move in an empty corner? Or specifically as move 1? Surely not as an invasion of a 4-4 as that is very common.

I would imagine just as a move in an empty corner. But that’s only my guess.