Saving analysis

When I play through some hypothetical lines in a correspondence game, can I save them for future reference? How?

I can see that I can name the variation and the name becomes a clickable link in the chat window (which is private in my case). That link is permanent. But when I log out and then I come back, open the game and click on the link, the board only indicates the first move of the variation. How can I recall the whole tree I played through?

Download the sgf to your computer and do the analysis there. That’s what I did when I played correspondence.

Are you at the end of the variation when you “name” it?

You do need to be :slight_smile:

The “node” that you are on is what gets named, and all the nodes leading up to it are saved as well.


Normally I do this, it saves the whole sequence.

Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-05-13 102208


^^ yes, that’s what I mean too - I guess that’s what they meant be “name the variation”?

The important thing is that you have to be at the end move of the variation.

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Yeah, I’m quite sure that was my mistake. Although, far from obvious. Any form of documentation for that?


This is my first reaction too. Sadly, I can’t find a currently maintained and reasonably packaged local e-goban for GNU/Linux. (If you’re at all interested in continuing this subthread, I can provide the longish list of all I tried.)


I usually use CGoBan 3 to edit SGF files locally.
It’s not currently maintained, but does that matter when it does its job?

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If you use Chrome there’s the webgoban extension to bypass OS troubles by doing it in-browser but with access to the file system.

I usually use CGoBan 3 to edit SGF files locally.


It’s not currently maintained, but does that matter when it does its job?

Maybe it does something else (unpleasant) too?


If you use Chrome

No, but I’ll take a look to see how it is done. Maybe it can be ported to firefox without too much effort.


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