“Sente - Online GO” App for Android

Looks much better! I would just avoid the pure white - not having pure white text was not the problem, and pure white can be too bright, especially when using dark mode in the dark. Kinda how the ‘light’ board texture was way too bright for dark mode.

The brightest white that the dark mode currently has is OK and close enough to pure white, there’s no need to go brighter.


Ok, I backed off pure white a little (#F0F0F0). I also very subtly tinted the card background blue-ish, basically giving everything a slightly colder look. The app background is still pure black. I think it looks a lot better that way.


Also found and fixed this. Without getting too technical, on some devices the width of the board ended up being 128 pixels. If you divide that by 19 you get 6 pixels per “cell” with a remainder of 14. If you divide the reminder by two you get a border of 7 pixels on each side, which is larger than the 6 pixels per cells and thus looks dumb.

I now do not enforce the cell sizes to be integers, this should look fine on modern displays but rather bad on crappy ones (if there are any still around). Roughly 80% of the users are on some manner of flagship phone (even if old) so they should be fine.

Edit: but for the love of god I cannot understand why resetting would have fixed it?!?!


Looks great!


Hey all …

I wonder whether it would make sense to split this thread?
Move the posts about HongAnhKhoa’s app out of here and to a post & thread of their own?
(BTW, I love the app! I’d also very much appreciate if you’d continue with the macOS app also :smiley: )

I for one use iOS and not Android, so for me at least it’s sometimes difficult to follow.

What think ye?

BTW, much respect also to @MrAlex for the Android app and the amazing progress over time :pray: :bowing_man:‍♂ I‘ve seen your app on the phones of several friends, and they LURVE it!


Hi @trohde earlier on when this was discussed I was against it since the app was not “ready” and I was concerned that people would just immediately uninstall it. As it stands right now there are only a few loose ends to tie up and I would definitely not be unhappy with more people trying it out.

Please feel free to split the thread if you think it better.

PS: Thank you for the kind words, if you ever decide to come over from the dark side, I hope you give the app a try :slight_smile:


New build.

  • dark mode changes outlined above
  • rewrote the toolbar code to be more flexible
  • thumbnail border fix
  • Better landscape layouts

Hey, just wanted to say that the new dark scheme is excellent.


Glad you liked it. Couldn’t have done it without your excellent work on the subject last summer and without everybody’s feedback this past week.


Hi @MrAlex, looks really nice now in dark mode. However, I am still struggling to like the thumbnails of the games. The borders of the board are fine now, but on my phone the starpoints are… BIG! They actually look like black stones. In the screenshot below, note that Tengen and the Starpoint on the left hand side are not taken by black. Screenshot_20210216-165335_Online Go
Anything to do about that? Obviously it’s not that big of a deal but IMHO it kinda ruins the overall perception of an otherwise well designed UI

Damn that’s ugly. What device is that?

Samsung s10

Can you please check what resolution you have (S10 can change that):

Edit: NVM, I found a device that exhibits the same behavior. I’ll see what I can do for a fix.


The dark mode looks very good now, thanks for changing that.

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@HongAnhKhoa, why not make a new post right now, with a title that makes it clear that yours is an iOS app? Would also make it easier to communicate with your beta testers—and stop the confusion here.

And @MrAlex, I’ll have to postpone this to tomorrow or day after, as it is quite some work to find out where exactly to split. Maybe you can do some history digging in this thread and let me know where yours began? That would be awesome.

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Sure, there’s no rush… I’ve took a trip down memory lane and found the initial announcement to be message #85 in this thread, back in Nov 2017. I’m afraid the rest is going to be quite a bit of work as most (but not all) of the 600 messages are related to the app :frowning:

PS: I had worked on the app on-and-off for two years at that point btw, though I never quite mention that in the thread.

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OK, so it seems to be this post, msg #89:

Are you a developer? Want OGS on a mobile device? (Android and iOS app development thread) - #89

@MrAlex, questions:

  • What would you like to be the name of the new thread that will begin with that post?
    I’d suggest that it includes

    1. the name of the OS, i.e. Android.
    2. the name of the app, and
    3. Maybe also your nick MrAlex as many people know you and know what you‘re working on?
      Or maybe “Zen Android” as that’s our Google Play name?

    What think ye?

  • Where should the post/thread ideally reside?
    Is this Sub-Forum still the appropriate place?

    I’d also appreciate other @moderators’ opinions on this … maybe even a new board “3rd Party Client Apps for OGS” might be appropriate? @anoek?


Stolen from your Web Site:

Here you look astonishingly like Jim Holden in the TV show “The Expanse” :grin:

The question about the name for a new thread for the iOS app goes also to you, @HongAnhKhoa.

So, the idea is like this:

  1. Split at @MrAlex’ first post about the Android app,
    move it and ALL following comments to a new Android App Thread.

  2. Then move @HongAnhKhoa’s first post about the iOS app + all direct replies to a new iOS App Thread.

I will NOT care much about posts after MrAlex’ initial post that refer to earlier posts before the split because that would require that I read them all, so there might be some inconsistency at the beginning of the Android app thread. But I believe this is negligible.

So, before I break the forum, I’m asking y’all: shall I proceed?
The following poll closes Monday, Feb. 22nd at noon CET.

Split This Thread As Described?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t care

0 voters


Done, plus now we have an extra section for 3rd Party Apps for OGS, thanks @anoek!

@MrAlex, the title for this post is preliminary, until you tell me what you’d rather like it to be (maybe you can also change it yourself, depending on your Forum status, I’m not sure.

The other threads that folks might want to watch (even if it is not “your” OS, especially developers):

@HongAnhKhoa’s OGS client app for iOS:

The thread where this all began:


Hi I saw PWA enabled with OGS add manifest.json. I think its something now configure properly.