“Sente - Online GO” App for Android

Found the error… it’s actually the server that’s throttling my (many) requests. I’ve never considered the scale of actually having 873 active games at the same time… Not sure how to fix it, I’ll give it some thought…


Yes, I am :dolphin:Sofiam​:dolphin:.
I can’t say exactly when it started, I am sorry. I am sure I used this app more than one year ago and then I stopped because of this problem, so it didn’t start recently. I never reported it because I thought it was a consequence of the big amount of correspondence games that I have or maybe something related to my smartphone.
I have some problems also with the website (also on my phone, see this My homepage and my profile do not load ) so maybe the problem is that my games can’t be loaded. This doesn’t explain why I can’t submit any move though, I think.


It’s definitely due to the large number of games, even on the laptop, with broadband your profile takes 30 seconds to load. I will try to figure out a solution, perhaps by spacing the requests over a few seconds.

Thank you for taking the time to flag this issue!


I just pushed a new version, it should be with you in a few hours, depending on where you live. Changelog:

  • If the user has a ton of active games, we’re now trying to space out the request with exponential backoff so that the server does not throttle us. This should enable dolphins to play go :slight_smile:
  • Fixed an issue where if you search for a live game and got automatically sent to the new game, you could never go back out without closing down the app.
  • Changed the look and feel of the app to the new Material3 (aka Material You). Particularly visible is the new modern-looking bottom navigation bar.
  • Various bugfixes

The fix for the large number of games is actually quite big and can impact all users. @_Sofiam After the update comes, can you please retry the app again? It should take a while to load the first time (as it fetches all 800 games) but it should work reasonably well after that. I am really curious how it works. I’ve tried simulating your situation but I cannot do it perfectly. Please let me know if (and how) it works.


What amazing customer service!


Thank you very much for having worked on it.
This (schreenshot 1) is what I see when I open the app, I am posting it since I don’t know what is normal. I don’t have a dot for every single game but I guess it would be impossible.
When I used the app in the pas i had a game list and I would prefer it because I have to scroll the games one by one if I want to reach a specific game. I can see the list named “opponent’s turn” when I scroll down and then “recently finished games”.

The second problem I reported isn’t changed, sadly (screenshot 2). If I try to submit a move it gets stuck without submitting it.
This is what makes the app impossible to use for me at the moment.

I also tested live games. If I try to set up a game it starts (I can see it from my computer), but I don’t get redirected to anything. I remember I could play bots in the app before


Thanks again for your work, I appreciate a lot that you’re trying to make this app good for everyone!


Wouldn’t the boards get wet? :rofl:


Get a setup like this for the dolphins


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Thanks for taking the time to report back @_Sofiam The first screenshot is normal for now. If I can find the time, I may consider making it so that you can scroll instead of slide if you have more than say 10 active games.

I am more concerned with the second screenshot. Trouble is I cannot investigate what’s going on since there doesn’t seem to be any reported error and I cannot reproduce it on my end (since I cannot log in as you). Perhaps I’ll try finding the time to start 800 fake games vs my test account and hope I don’t get banned :smiley:

This might be a bug with the app in which you’re not always auto-navigated to a new bot game. Your game probably shows up at the end of the list of 88 games, but you can’t possibly scroll all the way there :slight_smile: I’ll try to think of something :sweat_smile:

Modern Android phones are water resistant :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi @MrAlex I’m afraid I have a request.
Would it be possible to include the number of handicap stones in the game info screen?
It doesn’t normally matter but I’ve just discovered that with Chinese handicap games and free placement there is no way of telling how many stones you are placing. It’s useful to know and actually even if you just want to replicate the “normal” placement you can’t always do so if you don’t know how many you are placing in advance.

And handicap is not always necessarily what you’re expecting anyway. And I have ranks hidden so it’s not easy to work out!


Done, you’ll see it in the next version


You are on fire! :fire::fire:


Nah, just a rainy weekend :slight_smile:

I’ve just released a new version (4th one this weekend, yaaay) which has the following:

  • If it’s your turn in more than 10 games, you now get a list of them instead of the carousel.
  • Handicap is now visible in the game info.
  • Fixed some performance issues with large number of games.

@_Sofiam if you have time, once the update is available, could you kindly have another look at how the app works now? I still don’t know why you can’t submit your moves, but perhaps some of the improvements I’ve done to the websocket communication stuff has fixed it by accident?


Yeah but seriously, is this some kind of feature request to implementation record! If I’d have known it would be done this quick I’d have waited before placing my handicap stones!


Thanks for the update !

I also think, like @dragon-devourer, that it would be nice to have a list threshold in the “Settings” page, instead of having a hard-coded value. I personally prefer the list view instead the carousel, but if I have only 3 or 4 games I definitely would opt for the carousel.

Some other comments :

  • The navigation bar seems higher than before, probably because of the last updates, so the bottom of the “Stats” page is just a little truncated.
  • I think the “+” (plus) button at the home screen can also be hidden via a “Settings” parameter. Don’t know about other players but I never use it, it just takes up screen space.

Thanks again for all your work !


I see the list now. It is much better, thank you.
Sadly, nothing changed. I am still unable to submit moves.
I also tried to send messages in games chat using the app in 2 different games. It didn’t work.

I also noticed some more small things (see the screenshot):

  1. The icon in the upper right doesn’t support 3 digit numbers
  2. In the stats page with my phone I can’t scroll down more than this, the last line is halved
  3. (but I think this can’t be changed) The stats page include only the last 4998 games. I remember it has always been slightly less than 5000.


Thank you both for the feedaback.

That sounds reasonable

Hmm didn’t notice that before, I’ll try and see what’s going on (stats screen was not implemented by me).

Hmm… perhaps it’s time to retire that, even though the animations are cool :slight_smile: I actually have some stats: over the past month, 43k games were searched for with the round button on the main screen while 16k were searched for with the FAB (the + button). So about 30% of the time ppl are using the + button. For Custom games it’s 10k vs 5k in favour of the direct item.

Thanks, didn’t realize that. Should probably do something like 9+

I’m going to have a look, but this is probably what the server is sending me.

Yes, that’s probably related to why you can’t submit the moves. Both chat and moves submission is done with the WebSocket API and that’s obviously not working, possibly because we’ve subscribed to 800+ games already.


Bug report

App displays rank different from that on website.

All screenshots taken just now.





In case this is due to rating being borderline, player rating is:


Thanks :beer:

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I have the same “problem”.



Before reaching 1d the displayed ranks were the same.

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Noted, I’ll try to have a look.

Until then, new version is out:

  • Your turn games are now sorted by time remaining again
  • Non-square games are now shown as such in the app (although you can only start them from the website)
  • Fixed a few crashes
  • Removed the floating button on the main screen as @V.III suggested
  • you can now create open challenges (thanks to bqv for the contribution)
  • More memory as speed improvements. This should make it better for @_Sofiam , but I still don’t know why he/she cannot submit moves

As usual, feedback is welcome!