“Sente - Online GO” App for Android

sorry I didn’t deleted my original post on purpose. I tried to rewrite it…

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Hey everybody,

New version coming your way. This one took some doing since I rewrote the main screen using a new technology (Jetpack Compose). I’ve taken the opportunity to change the look and feel to a “flatter”, more 2021 look. Here’s the full changelist:

· Updated the look of the home screen (for those interested, it’s using the new Jetpack Compose technology)
· Games that are paused (for example during the weekend or for a vacation) are now marked as such in the main screen
· Fixed issues with dark theme during the onboarding experience
· Fixed a bug where the user could get stuck in a loop if Google Sign in failed
· Fixed a few rare crashes that happened when going out of the app with some dialogs shown
· Fixed a problem that made the app not connect to the server immediately after logging in
· Added more tutorials

As usual, feedback is appreciated!


Here are a couple of screenshots with the new design (light and dark themed). Please let me know your thoughts.


Very awesome, good job. Maybe the color of the wood in light mode a little bit not dark enough?

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Hmm… very weird, I’m pretty sure I haven’t changed that. Maybe I should make that configurable in the settings?


It’s so good! Lovely to be able to contemplate which game to make a move in with almost full size previews.
The chat indicators are reset somewhat on update but that’s no big deal.


You mean when you update the app version or when you refresh the games?

With the app update. I know this always happened before but I thought was fixed recently.

I wasn’t fixed, all I did is that in this situation you don’t get notified if you were the last one to post a message in the chat. You still get notified of messages after your last one since I need to nuke the local database and the server does not tell me if the message was read or not. Anyway, the updates are so rare that I think this should be manageable…


It’s fine, I just haven’t noticed it on the list update or two but I guess that due to how my games/chats were at the time.
Thanks for all your efforts - keep up to great work!

I don’t have to nuke the database every update, only when I implement a feature that changes the database structure. This time I added a few fields to remember if the game is paused or not, so the database was reset. Usually this is not needed.

Glad you like it!

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Nice new version! Thanks :grin:


  • Overall, brilliant app. Looks nice and works smoothly. This is the #1 OGS app and I would gladly recommend it to anyone.

  • Would be nice to have the option of list view on the homepage with configurable sort order, rather than thumbnails. When you have lots of games, scrolling through the thumbnails is tedious. Plus, you might want to prioritize games by time remaining, number of moves, etc.

  • Any plans for making this available on Apple devices (iOS)? I recommended this app to a friend but they have an iPhone or something and cannot get it on Apple store.

Thanks again :beer:

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I have a feeling that MrAlex has answered this before but can’t find it now.
But do you know about:


He did but i won’t search either. Not his thing from my memory.

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IIRC, Apple charge a rather substantial fee for access to develop for their platform. He already has an Android licence for work but not an apple one, and the apple one is too expensive to justify spending on this hobby project. Could be wrong but I think that’s the case.


Thanks, glad you like it!

It WAS a list up until now, I will think about how to make it a list again. Perhaps if you have more than 6-or-so games? But then again, do people actually keep that many games without making a move?

It’s not about the AppStore fee, it’s just that developers are specialised, kinda like doctors. You need a different set of skills to program for ios than for Android. While I could give it a shot in theory (as a cardiologist might have a shot at diagnosing a neurological problem), but in practice Apple are jerks and it is in fact illegal to program for ios unless you do it on a macbook and I don’t plan on investing 3k in an inferior laptop to the one I have. I would also need a new iPhone and I don’t plan on investing 1k+ on an inferior phone to the one I have.

So, sadly, I don’t think it will happen. The ios client linked above is a good alternative from what I’ve seen.


Some people on our server have over 1,000 concurrent games. Fair to say it’s their move in at least 6 at any given time. (whether or not they use your app at all, I cannot say) I certainly have at times had more than 6 games waiting for a move to be made, so it is certainly a use case to be considered.


I am one of the people who always have more than 6 moves to do everytime😬

I want to report that the app is almost impossible to use for me: I don’t see my active games in the homepage (I see only the recently finished games) and if I reach a game by clicking on the icon in the upper right and I try to submit a move it doesn’t work, it simply freezes.
I could use it in the past.


Probably best to leave the threshold as a configurable option, like on the website:

Yes, but a list with thumbnails, which makes the list quite long if you have lots of games. Might be best to let the user choose between the thumbnail scroller as you have now or a simple text list / table without the thumbnails like on the website:


Hmmm… that could be a problem either with some change the server has done (and that manifests in one of the 260 live games you have) or it could be something to do with the new redesign.

Is this you? 🐬Sofiam🐬 Also, has this problem started recently or it never worked for you?