SGF download and chat comments


While I’m playing a game, I want to leave some comments about my train of thought when deciding about certain moves. I want these comments to be personal (only visible to me), even when the game ends. I’ve seen that the chat window has a "personal mode. But when I download the game as a SGF file, I don’t seem to see any of the chat messages attached to corresponding moves. Is this to be expected? It would be great if chat messages (of any type) get added to the SGF to the corresponding move, and “personal” messages are only added if the user who made them is the one downloading the SGF.

Alternatively, I guess you can add messages to the moves when reviewing a game after it has finished, but this will not be private right?

Thanks a lot for the answers!

I guess you can add messages to the moves in the download alternatively, if you want it to be private.

It looks like game reviews still have a personal chat channel, though I haven’t tried it personally yet (I guess you can try and then look at the page not logged in), but demo boards don’t have a personal chat channel, though they look the same.

Thanks for the answer. Doing it in the SGF file after downloaded is an option as well, but then I need to save my messages in some notes app while playing.

In any case, I noticed that chat messages (of any type) are not included in the SGF file when downloading?

I think it used to be but maybe that’s a bug