Should we be more worried and take more actions about cheating in Go?



Do you think the 8-year ban is too much?

  • Itā€™s too lenient. Should be longer.
  • Itā€™s appropriate.
  • Itā€™s too much. Should be shorter.
  • Should punish in other ways instead of banning.
0 voters

I think worse than the 8 year ban is stripping the pro title. Both are a bit much just for having the phone without any proof there was actual cheating.


I think they do have more than just holding the phone, at least according to the association.


The thread title is inaccurate. There are lots of ways to cheat. This thread seems to be specifically about botting.

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For comparison in sports:

  • Justin Gatlin tested positive in 2001 for amphetamines and was banned 2 years. He claimed it was due to medication and his ban was reduced to 1 year. In 2006 he tested positive for testosterone and was banned 8 years; the sentence was reduced to 4 years after he appealed.
  • Sun Yang was suspended 8 years after not complying to a test/destroying blood samples. His ban was later reduced to 4 years 3 months.



Well, thereā€™s also this, for comparison

I think that the problem with cheating isnā€™t only that the cheater took something that didnā€™t belong to them, the win, but that they canā€™t be trusted.

For a professional, respecting the rules of their profession is paramount. I would understand their opponents not feeling entirely comfortable playing with them ever again.

Having a good reputation is a very important thing.


Building on my previous post, with a personal touch:

Iā€™m a mediocre player, just barely improving through the years, if you can even call it that.

Iā€™ve posted many of my losing games for review, and I guess itā€™s obvious to anyone who has seen my games that I very frequently had the right move within my grasp and missed it.

I have been tempted countless times to check, just this once, what the right move is. Because itā€™s obviously not a crazy pro move, itā€™s something I should know, itā€™s basically a rank-appropriate move, I just canā€™t see it, because Iā€™m tired or not concentrated enough. Now that Iā€™ve turned analysis off (until further notice) Iā€™m oh so tempted to analyse if this is indeed a snapback or my eyes deceive me. And if I did it for a move, just one move thatā€™s realistic for my level, not even mods would know, right?

What holds me back and I donā€™t give in to that temptation is trust is a glass that can be glued, but never unbroken.

I could never undo the damage to trusting myself and feeling I deserve the trust of the community.


I tend not to get too blood boiled by personal cheating like drug or AI use. But the one that angers me to this day is

David Warner was the vice captain, and pressured a new junior member of the team to cheat. He didnā€™t even have the balls to cheat himself but made someone under his care do it for him.

Bancroft and Smith I forgive for their parts, but not Warner.


my favorite part about this sentence is that w/o reading the wikipedia page i donā€™t know whether you mean this literally, figuratively, or both


In the past I might have called this overly harsh - stripping a playerā€™s title and banning them from competition for 8 years effectively kills their career. But if you follow professional chess at all then you know that cheating and paranoia about cheating can turn the whole activity into a circus, especially given how much financial pressure there is to remain competitive.

Incidentally I wish Fox would take cheating more seriously. OGS isnā€™t perfect, but itā€™s possible to report people for cheating and the reports are actually investigated.


i feel like sports restrictions on what athletes can do with their bodies is a little ridiculous. a 2-year ban for amphetamine use?? come on. there are even restrictions on things as innocuous as marijuana, that clearly have no ā€˜unfairā€™ effect on sports performance


Itā€™s like putting stones on a lid. Itā€™s a rule. Nobodyā€™s forcing them to make that sport their career, if they donā€™t like the rules. Plenty of other jobs out there :woman_shrugging:t2:

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With rules like that, it does become a little hard to respect the rules :sweat_smile:


Well, I find it ridiculous that I have to use certain fonts for certain applications and itā€™s not even making me millions so :woman_shrugging:t2:


and you have every right to feel that way and complain about it, same way we have every right to think absurd rules are absurd :p


I will not break the rule on the basis thatā€™s itā€™s absurd, though. Thatā€™s the professionalism part :stuck_out_tongue:


i never suggested you do that? i just think itā€™s worthwhile to question the rules; otherwise they never change. youā€™re welcome to disagree w/ me on my opinions, but it seems to me like youā€™re just saying ā€œthemā€™s the rules and the rules are theseā€ which is a thing that weā€™re all already fully aware of


Agree. Here and more broadly as well.

However, we seem to have a difference of opinion regarding substance abuse as well, so letā€™s agree to disagree.