Simultaneous Fractional Go Game 2 (Setup)

That means each team had a score at any given round during the game. In case of a repetition the team who was ahead according to those scores could insist to go to counting and win the game, even though the other team might have had more potential territory.

So the team which would’ve lost, if the game had gone to counting immediately, had to make sure to avoid any repetition of the board. That’s why I’ve played B2 in game #1, to contest white’s whole lower left corner, which would have been solid territory without the black B2 stone. With B2 white had to worry about repetitions instead of black.

Now rereading the rules brought something else to my attention:

@martin3141, is it by intention, that a stone at the border of a territory with multiple (or all) team colors does not neutralize the territory?

If I understand correctly, the (maximal connected set of) empty intersections around L4 here would be counted as white territory, which seems counterintuitive to me, because black is “poking” through white’s surrounding stones.