Oh, this is my favorite feature of GoWrite 2 and honestly the only reason i ever use gowrite at all!! Y’all are talking about tewari and stuff which is (probably) the proper use of this kind of thing, but it has another massively practical use:
Correcting recording mistakes. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve recorded a game from memory, played out 3 full joseki, gotten to the 4th corner and realized it was supposed to be a 3-4 stone rather than a 4-4 stone, then had to start from the beginning again. With GoWrite, you can just click that last stone and slide it, and retroactively all previous board states will be corrected.
It’s also practical if you’re demonstrating why a particular sequence works on, say, the 3rd line but not the 4th line - you can select all the involved stones, then just move them.
I can record a short demonstration of the behavior and share it as a .gif or something, if that would be helpful
edit: here is the gif (sorry it’s long and slow, but you can see partway through how i select and move stones, and then i go back to the beginning of the game and click through to demonstrate that everything has retroactively been corrected):