SmartGo Kifu for Ipad - Essential study and analysis tool

Hi all
I have just acquired an Ipad, with this software. I am not an apple fan really, but after I read about this software, I had to try it.
The fact that it comes with thousands of pro games and graded problems, is what made me give it a whirl. And I am glad I did. The brilliant interactive diagrams mean that at last there is a way of training even when there is no club to go to.
I suddenly find that I have a portable go board which also does my email and internet stuff as well.
I am probably going to go for the Smart Go Books product as well, because the interactive diagrams will be so much better than a paper book.
The only caveat I have is that to get the best from it in studying problems, you need to restrain yourself from clicking on a move before you are sure you have got the solution. Its important to train as for a tournament, when of course you are not allowed to change your move.
I heartily recommend this software to any go enthusiast

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For more information, here’s the link to Anders Kierulf’s Web site

I have both and I also recommend them wholeheartedly. IMHO, SmartGo Kifu and SmartGo Books are absolute must-haves if one owns an iOS device and loves Go.

Also, if you should have a very old iPhone like me (iPhone 1st gen.) with iOS 3.1.3, it won’t run SmartGo Kifu, but Anders has revived his SmartGo Pro which does. Oh, the joys of doing Tsumego while sitting in the dentist’s chair and waiting for the anesthesia to set in :-: (that’s my current favourite smiley ;-)).

Greetings, Tom

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I just want to add my support for the posts above. I’ve been really pleased with Smartgo on my ipad mini. A very good deal in my opinion…