"The Chessboard Cherry Tree” tells the story of Oda Sayemon, a hotheaded feudal lord in old Japan who was noted for his bravery as a soldier, for his abominable play at go, and for his bad temper and violence when he lost.
"His most intimate friends among his retainers had tried hard to reform his manners after losing at go; but it was hopeless. All those who won from him he struck in the face with a heavy iron fan
Your next opponent may be three feet tall, bright yellow and named after a slimy invertebrate. David Doshay’s SlugGo program was one of two go-playing computer programs playing in the 2005 Cotsen Open … Named after the Banana Slug because it’s the mascot of the University of California at Santa Cruz, where Doshay is a Research Associate … SlugGo also earned its moniker “because it plays so slow"
I think the thing that encourages one to float down the river through quite a lot of pages is that seven-page titles appear to be disproportionately rare.