Some visual bugs in edit mode

I noticed that numbers visually seem to look different (bolder) and I started playing with them(using number tool all over the bord to get a feeling if they’re indeed different or not). Maybe I just haven’t played on ogs for too long, so that’s why I see the difference. Anyway, that’s how I noticed first bug.

  1. “Light shadow” or “Lightened background”(I don’t know what’s its proper name) for numbers is displaced. Displacement seems to follow a particular logic. 1 isn’t effected, but all other intersection are effected.

  1. As it has been mentioned by others, numbers on variation stones stay even if variation stones are not visible in variations prior to that.

  1. After marking dead stones with the cross then going back in variations and returning to initial variation cross disappears and only translucency effect is applied(without a cross).

  1. Not a bug, but I wish triangles from variation stones or numbers could be turned off or removed. At the moment markings can’t be removed using according tools, triangle tool and numbering tool.
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Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I’m working through the issues now.

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I just noticed that middle line is missing on the second image :skull:. I don’t remember it missing on ogs, so I suspect it’s because I used MS Paint to make two screenshots into one image.

Oh interesting, thanks for letting me know that one was a head scratcher :slight_smile:

Yeah, I can only imagine. When creating a topic, in preview mode on the right, it shows me that most lines are missing, because of lower resolution. So naturally I couldn’t notice it. I’ll try to be more cautions in the future to avoid potentially causing a hearth attack for someone. My apologies.

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No worries, thanks for the report and the screenshots :slight_smile:

I haven’t been able to reproduce the displaced gray intersections - is that still a problem? I did put out an update that should fix the numbers lingering on the board, the outstanding primary issue that I’m hunting right now is the stone numbering, which shouldn’t be there on a demo board.